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Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:58 pm
by Nikolas
Has anyone tried out their Monster Play PvP system yet? I read a bit about it today at work and thought it sounded promising

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:57 pm
by OohhoO
Gandelf wrote:The other thing, if you've ordered the game online and are entitled to the 10-day offer of playing it before official release on 24 April, will the online shops post it in time?
Theoretically they should send or email you the pre-order access code by 14th April at the latest, with instructions on what you have to do to be able to use it. They might not send you the actual game DVD until nearer the 24th though. That information should be available somewhere in the small print on the website where you ordered it.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:59 pm
by OohhoO
Nikolas wrote:Has anyone tried out their Monster Play PvP system yet? I read a bit about it today at work and thought it sounded promising
I think I'm the only one here actively beta-testing LotRo ATM & I havn't tried it. PvP isn't really my thing.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:42 pm
by Gandelf
OohhoO wrote:Theoretically they should send or email you the pre-order access code by 14th April at the latest, with instructions on what you have to do to be able to use it. They might not send you the actual game DVD until nearer the 24th though. That information should be available somewhere in the small print on the website where you ordered it.

I decided to check my account on Play on the off-chance there'd be some clarification regarding the Founder offer. This is what I found:-
Play wrote: Order Lord of the Rings Online: Shadow of Angmar now and get Early Access to the game from 14th April 2007, 10 Days before anyone else! Once you've placed your order you will be sent an email confirming this fantastic offer and other Early Access goodies! Your Instructions and Early Access key will be sent by e-mail to you just ahead of 14th April so be sure to check your inbox! This offer closes on 12th April 2007.

And this is what it says in my checkout on Play:-

Lord Of The Rings Online: Shadows Of Angmar (Pre-Order Bonus - Early Access!) (PC Games)

So I guess that gives me a certain amount of confidence that I'll get the lifetime offer on the subs. It pays to do a bit of digging.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 7:34 am
by OohhoO
Gandelf wrote:I decided to check my account on Play on the off-chance there'd be some clarification regarding the Founder offer. This is what I found:-

And this is what it says in my checkout on Play:-

So I guess that gives me a certain amount of confidence that I'll get the lifetime offer on the subs. It pays to do a bit of digging.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:35 am
by OohhoO
testing new sig...

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:39 am
by OohhoO
Bah =/

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:13 pm
by Gandelf
The only concern I have with the 10-day pre-official-release founder bonus is that it might encourage the "level as quickly as possible" mindset that tends to be the scourge of other mmorpgs. No doubt there will be players who will try to get to the highest level in those 10 days so that they can brag about it! You've only got to look at WoW TBC. We were seeing level 70 Blood Elves and Draenei within the first week!

There's nothing wrong with doing that of course, but I can't help but think that people who level so quickly are missing out on something. I personally find it more rewarding to have reached the highest level over a "respectful" period of time... it gives me a greater sense of achievement. You can "wolf down" the most delicious meal in a couple of minutes, but lose out on the pleasure of fully enjoying each mouthful and taking time to really enjoy and savour the meal!

Quite possibly it's the fast-levelling players who complain that a game is boring and there's nothing else to do once they've got to the highest level. Maybe if you take your time, levelling without pressure and really enjoy a game, the game will give you so much pleasure for years to come?

I think with the focus being on PvE with LotRo, rather than PvP, there's a real opportunity to get so much more out of the game. You're not competing with players of the opposite faction. I intend to take my time with the game and not rush things.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 7:24 pm
by Gandelf
Now I'm getting uncertain once more:-

Thank you for submitting your recent request to Codemasters Customer Services concerning Lord of the Rings Online.

If you have purchased the 'pre-order pack', which contains the 10 day head start and founders key then you will be elligable for the lifetime offer. If you have just pre-ordered either the Standard or Special Edition then you won't have the founders key needed for the lifetime offer.

Hope this helps

Kind regards
Codemasters Customer Services

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:07 pm
by Xest
Gandelf wrote:Quite possibly it's the fast-levelling players who complain that a game is boring and there's nothing else to do once they've got to the highest level. Maybe if you take your time, levelling without pressure and really enjoy a game, that game will give you so much pleasure for years to come?
It's usually the fact that levelling up is boring in the first place that people do want to level fast, most MMOs, in fact almost every MMO I've ever played is dull and crap until you reach the highest level and only then it starts getting fun. If you're happy running round slowly killing things that's fine, but not everyone wants to spend 15minutes between each fight, they find that in itself extremely boring.