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Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:56 am
by Kishih
According to is the release date Q4 of 2007

from the FAQ:
The game will launch with six playable armies – Greenskins, Dwarfs, Dark Elves, High Elves, the Empire and Chaos. The Greenskins army is comprised of two separate races, Orcs and Goblins, while both the Empire and Chaos armies are human. However, the Empire and Chaos are designed separately and completely unique. As Greg Grimsby, WAR’s Art Director puts it, "Their equipment will look different, they will have different customization options, and their physiques will be different." So we think of it as six armies, and seven races.
GOA will do the european servers

the have a web address

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:39 am
by Xest
Kishih wrote:GOA will do the european servers
Where did you hear that? Mythic said they were planning to open their own European offices. I thought (hoped!) they'd learn what a horrific mistake GOA was. It's straight to the US servers for me if GOA run euro again, that's if I even have time to play by then.

Edit: Ugh nevermind just saw it on the site, oh my looks like Mythic don't learn from their mistakes, hope this doesn't go for their view on class balance also :p Just hope US servers are open to euro unlike WoW as I simply wont play a game hosted by GOA, was always just too much of a joke :p

Just read the press release "GOA has successfully operated Dark Age of Camelot in Europe with Mythic since 2001", bit worried about how Mythic define "successful" :p

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:45 am
by Cromcruaich
Xest wrote:Just read the press release "GOA has successfully operated Dark Age of Camelot in Europe with Mythic since 2001", bit worried about how Mythic define "successful" :p
Their bank balance.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:46 am
by Xest
Cromcruaich wrote:Their bank balance.
Hmm, true, must be quite high after all the staff they don't employ to run a good service ;)

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:58 am
by Quinlan ... 0e3%202006

This how you should promote a game!

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:33 am
by Hrymf
Sigh, i really dislike the idea of GOA hosting more games, this surely means they will kill daoc cause then the staff which is 5 people will have to focus on warhammer online servers... And even with all of GOA focusing on Warhammer servers, its gonna be well bad service and support im sure, so i'll head to US if possible or simple cry RL.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:34 am
by Xest
NM he said he changed e-mail address, probably that!

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:51 am
by ambera
Mark Jacobs has said (and there's a thread all about this on FH) that GOA have contracted to provide support as good as the US gets - not identical mind you, so giving them an irritating amount of wiggle room - but they do seem to be acknowledging that support has been a problem.

I would hope that they will advertise W.A.R. properly and take on enough staff to do it right. I do want to give it a go, but I won't make a decision about where until we know more about how they're going to run it.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:00 am
by Xest
ambera wrote:Mark Jacobs has said (and there's a thread all about this on FH) that GOA have contracted to provide support as good as the US gets - not identical mind you, so giving them an irritating amount of wiggle room - but they do seem to be acknowledging that support has been a problem.

I would hope that they will advertise W.A.R. properly and take on enough staff to do it right. I do want to give it a go, but I won't make a decision about where until we know more about how they're going to run it.
That's the thing I guess, promising equal support is one thing, but does that mean equal advertising? equal server maintenance? equal patch dates? equal competence of staff? equal XML stuff?

GOA support is just one of many issues imo, GOA in it's entirety has a LOT to do before they reach the level of a decent MMOG provider and we're talking everything from customer service all the way through to sensible procedures by their IT staff to ensure they have good backups.

The other thing to note is that GOA have always told us things aren't their fault, i.e. billing issues, opentransit lag etc. so should we assume that when they run WAR that we'll still be subject to all the things that they constantly claim aren't there fault? (even tho imo they usually ARE their fault they just deny it).

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:29 am
by Cromcruaich
Some good points there from Amb and Xest.

Support is indeed just 'right-now', which statistically i'm sure appears to be working very well. Good call resolution within acceptable time periods.

Don't want this to turn into a goa bashing thread though, i've personnaly been very satisfied with things over the last 4 months or so, except for the latency spikes that mess up our tank train ;) , which ofcourse are seen as outside of GoAs responsibility, if not influence.