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Theory crafting on good group setups

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:15 am
by Nedo
So looks like old gang I play with will play Order on some server.

If I know people right they will play 1 char that they have as a solo project and 1 char for a opted group.

Alot of theorycrafting is going on about what will be good and bad when it comes to order setups.

The only thing I can see as pretty much set in stone is that you will need a archmage (healing debuff + some other goodies) and a runepriest as a core for healing. (correct me if wrong)

How would you build for example a melee dps train setup? Or a more caster oriented one? Or a split one for that matter ^^

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:56 am
by Gahn
Cookie Cutter atm imo:
Destro Melee Heavy
2x Marauders

Destro Caster Heavy
2x Shammies
2x Sorc

Order Melee Heavy
Rip :p

Order Caster Heavy
2x Bright Wizards
Which Hunter


3x BW

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:02 am
by Nedo
You base the Order melee heavy RIP on having to bad melee dps or whats the reason?

As for the healing effectiveness debuff both sides have it pretty ok as I see it.

IF the White Lion get fixed (bugget pet parthing and is played by good micro people (good usage of pet silence/stun/snare/free movement ) I think it could be a valid setup to. (though Dest are stronger that way so maybe kite kite kite is the Order way)

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:49 pm
by Gahn
Order side there's nothing mirroring the Marauder basically (Dwarf Slayers should have been the equivalent but they ain't in), heavy "melee" dps could come from Swordmasters and Warrior Priests offensive specced, but i really don't think is comparable dps and utility wise.
Your point on White Lion i agree upon, but pathing was always a major bugger from Mythic, add over that i didn't felt em as a real threat for Chosen (played by me) and Shammie guarded combo.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:17 pm
by Nedo
Gahn wrote:Order side there's nothing mirroring the Marauder basically (Dwarf Slayers should have been the equivalent but they ain't in), heavy "melee" dps could come from Swordmasters and Warrior Priests offensive specced, but i really don't think is comparable dps and utility wise.
Your point on White Lion i agree upon, but pathing was always a major bugger from Mythic, add over that i didn't felt em as a real threat for Chosen (played by me) and Shammie guarded combo.
From what I understand they "broke" the pathing in some of the later patches after having it working before so there should be hope.

Is kite group possible with AE knockdowns and stuff?

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:23 pm
by Gahn
Nedo wrote:From what I understand they "broke" the pathing in some of the later patches after having it working before so there should be hope.

Is kite group possible with AE knockdowns and stuff?
Aoe Knockdowns, Single Ones, Snares, Roots.
There's little Aoe tho and it takes WAY more skill than in Daoc to kite right and, to some extent, to focus Dps in right order in War imo, but it's doable.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:46 pm
by Nedo
Im gonna have issues O.o we pretty much settled for order but mr old school savage is screaming GIFV sick melee damage char plix!!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:23 pm
by Nikolas
Bright Wizards are currently insane in keep sieges as well. There was only 2 of us during a destruction siege in beta and we just kicked ass. There was easily 15 or so of them and they couldn't get anywhere near us :D It's just a shame the sorcs are totally gay in comparison, but they do get loads of nice insta's

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:38 pm
by Jalanteriel
Nikolas wrote:Bright Wizards are currently insane in keep sieges as well. There was only 2 of us during a destruction siege in beta and we just kicked ass. There was easily 15 or so of them and they couldn't get anywhere near us :D It's just a shame the sorcs are totally gay in comparison, but they do get loads of nice insta's

I foresee a big nerf hammer coming already. And it's going to hurt! It took rangers about 4-5 years to recover when they first got hit after release... ah...those were the days...shooting and staying in stealth..non of that bubble see hidden....and people actually got hurt more if they were stupid enough to sit down in the frontier.. (I still never understood why that was nerfed, if you sit in the middle of a battlefield you should rightly get hit for more!)

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:13 pm
by Downy
BW's will certainly be nerfed,absolutely no reason to bring another dps char but them right now.