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Need a Warhammer Online Guild?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:55 pm
by Syno23
Vendetta guild is ranked #1 of all the guilds in the Warhammer Online beta. Lead by our leader Arcadiea

Actively recruiting non-beta and beta applicants.

We interviewed the developers watch below:

It's actually on our website.

Vendetta, a guild with over 250 active members, and ranked # 1 in allthe Warhammer Online's beta testing guilds.

Our Website:

Vendetta is a guild open to all players. It was formed from a few members who continually ran across one another during the closed beta phase and we decided to start a guild and continue it through beta, and into open release. During the 1st creation of Vendetta we achieved the highest rank of any guild destruction or order. Vendetta is going to be an Order based guild on a PvP server. The guild is going to be slightly different from any guild out there. We plan on being a hardcore style guild that demands quality players, but with an undertone of casualness. What I mean by an undertone of casualness is that even though quality will be the demanding factor to be a guild member, maintaining raid schedules, 40+ hrs a week of game time and things of that nature are not a requirement for the guild.

I believe that there are older, more mature players out there that can be excellent, and quality players that do have RL activities and may not have the ability to actually log in everyday, for hours on end. Does this make them bad players? I do not think that it does.

There are many things I have done previously as a guild leader that sets this guild apart from other guilds and allows for all the members in the guild to be active participants.

1st off, let me discuss our raid scheduling thoughts, that I have done in previous MMO's. By raid I mean any and all guild oriented scheduled events, such as Keep sieges, RvR, PvE, things along those lines. Almost every guild application that says they are hardcore guilds asks the question "Can u make our raid times?", or something along those lines. The problem with having a set schedule with raiding means that if someone cannot make those set times then they cannot be a member of the guild, even if that person is a quality player, mature, and intelligent. To me this is seems to be just plain idiotic.

What I have done in the past and it has worked exceptionally well is having a simplistic and easy to use rotating schedule that allows ALL members of the guild to participate in guild events. For example (this is not our schedule) If the guild were to raid mon and tue, what we would do, is have the 1st week of the month Mon & Tue, 2nd week of the month Wed, & Thur, 3rd week, Fri & Sat, then last week Sun. This allows for the raid schedule to rotate in a very simplistic and easy to follow way that will allow ALL the guild members to be fully participating in guild events.

2nd thing that separates the guild from other guilds is the desire for casual quality players. Players who enjoy purely PvE content, crafters, and others. I believe that to have the best possible guild that we can, that a guild must cover all aspects of game content.

This does not mean the guild plans to be a overly large, or even a large guild, because our standard will be that of quality not quantity.

3rdly, the entire guild, weather hardcore player, or casual MUST abide by a creed. It is expected of all the members to play at the best lvl and behave in the best possible manner. Below is the creed.

Creed, the word derives from the Latin: credo for I believe and credimus for we believe.
I believe, that if I am to be excellent in what I do, and how I act, then we must be excellent in what we do, and how we act. Together we can overcome any odds, face any foe, and be the best at what we do, because we shall play at the best level. Negativity is not an option for us because it moves us further from our goals, separates us from one another and stalls us from our inevitable achievements. Vendetta shall push forward together, because I believe in Vendetta, and if I believe in Vendetta, then we all believe.
Long Live Vendetta

Yet another thing that separates Vendetta from other guilds is by NOT having a rules list, or a list of things that everyone must follow. I was sitting around writing out our rules list one day and it hit me.... Why am i writing the rules list for an entire guild of ppl. I am only just 1 person and there are thoughts feelings and ideas in ALL the guild members that i do not have myself. So instead of making a rules list, we have posted in our forums a "code of Conduct" thread. What that code of conduct is, is actually a thread that ALL the guild members are posting their thoughts on how the guild should be run, what rules the guild should have, and how the members of vendetta should act. Before release hits i will take all the posts of the guild members and formulate them into an official Code of conduct for the guild that the guild members must follow that was created by the guild members.

There are still yet other things that make us different, such as our guild sig design and the things involved with the guild sig. The looting concepts and how we plan on dealing with loot, and more.

The next post is of a Q&A in regards to the guild, if u have any questions comments or concerns plz feel free to PM me, or contact me on our website.

Actively Recruiting Vendetta, a guild with over 250 active members, and also ranked 1 in the Warhammer Online's beta testing guilds.

Our Website:

Currently recruiting

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:04 am
by Jarakin
How do you figure that you're ranked #1 of all the WAR beta guilds? :)

I've never even heard of you guys..

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:22 am
by Shi
Jarakin wrote:How do you figure that you're ranked #1 of all the WAR beta guilds? :)

I've never even heard of you guys..
*g* ^^