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Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 2:28 pm
by Satyn
Kari wrote:Not in a professional sense there isn't. Ask any help-desk employee, otherwise there'd be another one or twenty going postal each day.

If you're paid for a position, then you have to comply with the rules of this position. Requiel is a perfect example tbh, he says only what he is able because if he oversteps the mark he's buggered. Doesn't mean I wouldn't buy the bloke a beer if I met him, just that I dont trust his comments as far as I can throw them because of his boss's remit.
i've been in sales since i was still in school, i'm trained to work with ppl. And i would not take a lot of critisism from ppl that dont know anything about it. We dont know how the company really works, we dont know how many ppl they have there but what I do know is that the GM's that i know work their arses off to make us happy, but some ppl rather talk about old news than see the good they have done.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:25 pm
by Kari
Satyn wrote:i've been in sales since i was still in school, i'm trained to work with ppl. And i would not take a lot of critisism from ppl that dont know anything about it. We dont know how the company really works, we dont know how many ppl they have there but what I do know is that the GM's that i know work their arses off to make us happy, but some ppl rather talk about old news than see the good they have done.
Nonsense, we all know the individuals can do good, but do you deny they have to follow company guidelines? It's the company, not the individuals most of us take issue with. Based upon past performance, the amount of information they allow their employees to release & their levels of support.

I repeat again, no-one is having a go at individual work rates, no matter what you think, we're not even having a crack at GOA really, just saying on past performace there's a lot of us out there who prefer to take our money elsewhere, should we get the option. I fail to see why this is like a red rag to you?

I dont know how the " I'm trained to work with people" and the " I wouldn't take criticism from ppl that dont know anything about it." sit together?
Surely half the battle in PR is dealing with people who dont know the system & letting those people know what you're dealing with, what the issues are etc, to explain the issue which is something GOA have been eternally poor at. Hence why I no longer subscribe despite having multiple 50's, fully templated on a couple of servers

But nevermind Satyn, you obviously dont see where I'm coming from, so I'll leave it at that.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:50 pm
by Sharkith
just having a quick lunch and I noticed my responses in this thread. Its amazing how quickly things can change!

So any more updates on where people would like to play?

Another thing shouldn't we start to have front end places on the forums for LTRO and WAR? How can we get more people to come and contribute to this site? Is there a place to advertise or start competing for these players?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:34 pm
by Heta
GOA running it=No go for me atleast

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:21 pm
by Sharkith
same here - Mythic top preference here.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:35 pm
by Takitothemacs
GOA.... forget it... once I finish daoc GOA can kiss my pimply white ass

See you on the US servers.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:00 pm
by Xest
We've discussed pushing this forum forward for WAR in the past including the possibility of extra site features, such as perhaps a more useful calendar system for planning raids, perhaps a news section and maybe some guides but it would require quite a big time commitment so it's hard for us to know right now if the community is interested enough and in great enough numbers for us to follow through with it.