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Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 12:38 pm
by Satyn
ambera wrote:It hasn't been brought up for ages. There have been no complaints for months. We don't know if complaining makes a difference or not - we know that Mythic and GOA are listening, but we don't know if they have learned. Probably it does make a difference - we can hope so.
Requiel wrote:This is not the same arrangement as for DAoC. Both we and Mythic have learnt a great deal about how to collaborate on projects such as this through our experiences on DAoC and WAR will benefit from all of that from the outset.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 1:36 pm
by Xest
Satyn wrote:Really dont understand some of you. If you're really so against GOA, why do you still play Daoc then?
I only want to add that you are still talking about real ppl, not just a company.
And i can truely understand why the GM's hardly post or read this forum since all they can read is 'GOA flames' and never a positive word. Its ok to post real critisism but imo if you said it once you said it enough.
I also wonder how many of you have actually discussed all your so called issues with GOA via right now.
As has been said, most still play DAoC euro for their friends and because they simply don't have the time/will to start again right now, if it weren't for those ties I think a lot would more than gladly move or quit.

It doesn't matter how nice the staff at a company are (to some people...) if they're doing a bad job sure they may not all be at fault but it's those who are customer facing that have to accept the criticism, take those complaints on board and pass them on to whoever is responsible. I don't think people are blaming every GOA staff member, they're blaming the incompetent ones of which their clearly are some else the issues would never arise, or would at least be dealt with in a much better manner than they have been. Again though, it's not as if GOA reps are receiving some horrific kind of abuse here, they're just receiving company focussed complaints so not posting here because of that alone is a case of incompetence for supposed community staff.

In terms of what Ambera said, I'm sure GOA have learned, I'd imagine GOA have tightened security since their server hack those years ago, I'd imagine they have a proper backup regime in place since the database corruption and so on so we shouldn't expect to see those problems or related problems crop up again but as I say, what does this do to address the issue of OpenTransit and such for example? The fact is the size of GOA's catalog of mistakes is simply unparalleled in the MMO industry and that's why people are not suprisingly worried - put simply GOA has a LOT of work to do to reassure people that their running of WAR wont be as bad... but we're not allowed to say anything about it because there are some people that are nice at GOA? ok.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 2:12 pm
by Blutark
also ppl who havent played daoc should also curb the ranting as they dont know the whole facts about the improvements ...does it matter how bad the company "was " the fact is that problems have been pointed out and theyhave/are being sorted ..if that isnt good enough for you pple who are " goa bashing" then you have 1 of 2 choices imo..

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:50 pm
by HappyG
Ankh wrote:
HappyG wrote:Its a simple calculation, really.

If you can buy same product from 2 companies with same price, you will choose the one that has a better reputation.
as HappyG said...and still some of you been around for years..doing loads of complaining.
Hey mate, wtf?! My argument was in favour of Mythic, and you used it for a counter argument :)

Anyway, if there would be a possibility to migrate characters to US, I believe there would be a significant % of people moving, even though such migrations are always uncertain because not all want to migrate, communities broke up, and so on...
So, the argument "why you play, why you dont go to US" etc. is not really valid. After you've put in so much time, thers simply no way you can change a provider for the game.

It's not like GOA's service is shit in general, after all DAoC is/was fun game to play. It's just that Mythic's service was better for same money, and thats what matters in the end.

Shareholders are the one that feel bad when company has problems, and they are the one, that get fine money, when company is successfull, customers only care for what they recieve for their money.
Satyn wrote:I only want to add that you are still talking about real ppl, not just a company.
If a woman that sits behind a supermarket cash box 6 days a week and half the sundays for €500 / month has to smile and treat me with care no matter how fucked up her day might be, than I expect that €2000 worth GOA's press release guy will do nice forum posts and take care for community even when this same community bash his company (and not him personaly!). Capitalism is a bitch, not many people have pleasant jobs, being press release and community guy for a gaming company is for sure one of better ones :)

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:55 pm
by <ankh>
HappyG wrote:Hey mate, wtf?! My argument was in favour of Mythic, and you used it for a counter argument :)
Nope, that I did not. I told them that if they think GOA suck so bad they should go to the one that apparently offers better service.


Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:33 pm
by Satyn
HappyG wrote:
If a woman that sits behind a supermarket cash box 6 days a week and half the sundays for €500 / month has to smile and treat me with care no matter how fucked up her day might be, than I expect that €2000 worth GOA's press release guy will do nice forum posts and take care for community even when this same community bash his company (and not him personaly!). Capitalism is a bitch, not many people have pleasant jobs, being press release and community guy for a gaming company is for sure one of better ones :)
true but if you would constantly say bad things about her and her company then i'm sure she wouldnt serve you with a smile anymore, there is a limit to what a person has to take.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:38 pm
by Kari
Satyn wrote:true but if you would constantly say bad things about her and her company then i'm sure she wouldnt serve you with a smile anymore, there is a limit to what a person has to take.
Not in a professional sense there isn't. Ask any help-desk employee, otherwise there'd be another one or twenty going postal each day.

If you're paid for a position, then you have to comply with the rules of this position. Requiel is a perfect example tbh, he says only what he is able because if he oversteps the mark he's buggered. Doesn't mean I wouldn't buy the bloke a beer if I met him, just that I dont trust his comments as far as I can throw them because of his boss's remit.

The fact is there's a lot of us out here that dont trust GOA, and by extension it's employees due to things that have actually happened. It's not random hate, there's reason behind there.

I understand Satyn doesn't like this being discussed here because she thinks its a personal attack which means it's less likely that Requiel will visit in future, but that's not necessarily true, Requiel should only be offended when we speak falsehoods :)

Anyway, back on topic - who's up for US when WAR arrives then? :P

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:42 am
by Norcott
Kari wrote: Anyway, back on topic
Then u need to look here

Theres a open amnesty on GOA bashing hammers all week...8)

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:33 am
by Lairiodd
Norcott wrote:Then u need to look here

Theres a open amnesty on GOA bashing hammers all week...8)
Well, its not an open amnesty. However, reasonably reasoned discussion is allowed.

People are pointing out some possible problems that Goa will fact, but most of them explicitly say that they have had little problems with the GM's.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:40 pm
by Xest
Problem is even Requiel has said things that are verifiably wrong by people who know what they're on about, so you have to then question whether he's being false information or if he's trying to put a twist on the real information himself for some reason, that's why no matter how nice a bloke Requiel is you still can't trust his word 100%.