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Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 1:07 am
by Xest
Requiel wrote:It isn't only me who said that. The FAQs which I took that info from were written by Mythic.
Yeah but again the problem is that what Mythic say and what GOA actually do are two very different things ;)

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 1:14 am
by Childofkhain
/me screams and dies at the prospect of GoA hosting War.
that is a good enough reason to move to america imo and if GoA are hosting im sure as hell not going to play the european version.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:35 am
by HappyG
/me wants Xest Inc. to take over Warhammer Europe!

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:32 am
by Satyn
Really dont understand some of you. If you're really so against GOA, why do you still play Daoc then?
I only want to add that you are still talking about real ppl, not just a company.
And i can truely understand why the GM's hardly post or read this forum since all they can read is 'GOA flames' and never a positive word. Its ok to post real critisism but imo if you said it once you said it enough.
I also wonder how many of you have actually discussed all your so called issues with GOA via right now.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:34 am
by <ankh>
Satyn wrote:If you're really so against GOA, why do you still play Daoc then?
I guess you mean the EU servers...but I agree..this is a good question.
HappyG wrote:Its a simple calculation, really.

If you can buy same product from 2 companies with same price, you will choose the one that has a better reputation.
as HappyG said...and still some of you been around for years..doing loads of complaining. And Xest, your kind of a front figure with the complaining...but still you havent played on the EU servers for years - so why bother (Atleast I dont think you have played for years)

Edit: I might aswell add this right away before anyone tells me that I don't play anymore - that I plan on playing warhammer on the EU servers and I didnt quit cos of GOA :)


Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:31 am
by Ovi
Satyn wrote:Really dont understand some of you. If you're really so against GOA, why do you still play Daoc then?
I only want to add that you are still talking about real ppl, not just a company.
And i can truely understand why the GM's hardly post or read this forum since all they can read is 'GOA flames' and never a positive word. Its ok to post real critisism but imo if you said it once you said it enough.
I also wonder how many of you have actually discussed all your so called issues with GOA via right now.
I don't play DAoC any more.

The problem I have with the current DAoC arrangement is not just a GoA issue, it's the whole arrangement between GoA and Mythic.

This is what creates the patch delay, it's what causes a lot of the "it was their fault not ours" issues, and more importantly it was the failure of that relationship that caused all the stripped characters. A suitable backup was in place until Mythic didn't look at the problem in time and the backup got overwritten.

Given the magnitude of the problem Mythic should have been looking at the problem, and if it was their servers they would have been. Admittedly the backup should not have been over-written, but that comes under the "it was their fault not ours" category.

However good the relationship between Goa and Mythic gets, it will never be as good as Mythic has with itself. Therefore it makes sense to play on Mythic servers if practical.

I am not saying I won't try WAR if the only option is GoA servers, I probably will, but I would much prefer to be on Mythics servers in order to remove the third party from the equation.

My opinion is nothing against the GMs, Requiel and the others are the one bright spot in an otherwise poor Customer support effort from GoA. Without their willingness to go beyond the call of duty GoA support would be almost non-existant.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:45 am
by Sharkith
Satyn wrote:Really dont understand some of you. If you're really so against GOA, why do you still play Daoc then?
I only want to add that you are still talking about real ppl, not just a company.
And i can truely understand why the GM's hardly post or read this forum since all they can read is 'GOA flames' and never a positive word. Its ok to post real critisism but imo if you said it once you said it enough.
I also wonder how many of you have actually discussed all your so called issues with GOA via right now.
to be honest its not really fair of you to bring persons into this. The GOA people are really nice and apart from one incident here a while back when we all got a bit upset at each other I have not read anyone ever complain about the people. So making it all emotive like that is not really that fair. Most of the comments here are about infrastructure and bigger things than GOA i.e. Wanadoo and France Telecom. I have not seen one personal comment yet about any of the GOA representatives. So when you bring it up like this Satyn no offence but your going to make things get flamy and I know you don't mean to do that. :'(

Yes there are persons behind the company and it would be nice to meet them and buy them a drink but please do not confuse any problems people have as problems with those people because frankly thats just not true.

I am sure that Mythic and GOA have learned a lot over the years about how best to relate to each other and if you look closely at the statements on that site it seems that they have listened to feedback. So what should people do Satyn? Avoid expressing their feelings about their experience and in the end GOA and Mythic would not have sat down down and try to make things better in the future.

As long as it is done constructively I don't see a problem with stating how one sees things.

I say all of this and to be frank the service has been excellent since Crimbo I challenge anyone to say otherwise.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 12:01 pm
by Satyn
Sharkith wrote:to be honest its not really fair of you to bring persons into this. The GOA people are really nice and apart from one incident here a while back when we all got a bit upset at each other I have not read anyone ever complain about the people. So making it all emotive like that is not really that fair. Most of the comments here are about infrastructure and bigger things than GOA i.e. Wanadoo and France Telecom. I have not seen one personal comment yet about any of the GOA representatives. So when you bring it up like this Satyn no offence but your going to make things get flamy and I know you don't mean to do that. :'(

Yes there are persons behind the company and it would be nice to meet them and buy them a drink but please do not confuse any problems people have as problems with those people because frankly thats just not true.

I am sure that Mythic and GOA have learned a lot over the years about how best to relate to each other and if you look closely at the statements on that site it seems that they have listened to feedback. So what should people do Satyn? Avoid expressing their feelings about their experience and in the end GOA and Mythic would not have sat down down and try to make things better in the future.

As long as it is done constructively I don't see a problem with stating how one sees things.

I say all of this and to be frank the service has been excellent since Crimbo I challenge anyone to say otherwise.
I understand what you are saying but they are still ppl, not just a company. But if you would constantly hear bad things about your company and never a good word you would be affected by it aswell. Only a few can say it wouldnt bother them. Yes there were issues but bringing it up all time isnt getting us anywhere. They learned from what has happened and i feel we should give them a fair chance. Now they are already saying that they wont play euro if GOA is leading it while they wont even give it a fair chance.
Fair criticism is ok, but constant bashing on them is not.
And i'm not turning this in a flame thread, Xest tried it but i'm not biting. But i think i have the right to voice my opinion aswell. Its not because this thread is against GOA that i shoulnt post pro them.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 12:18 pm
by ambera
It hasn't been brought up for ages. There have been no complaints for months. We don't know if complaining makes a difference or not - we know that Mythic and GOA are listening, but we don't know if they have learned. Probably it does make a difference - we can hope so.

Yes there are people behind every company. But we are GOA's customers and our relationship with them is no more one of buddy-buddy than theirs is with us. There are real people running HSBC and Walmart and Mercedes. Does that mean we shouldn't criticise them, if we have a concern?

For what it's worth, I think the 'bashing' in this thread has been very minor and would probably have been ignorable, but now, once again, this thread is all about whether it's OK to have a go at GOA, and the original topic isn't even being disucssed. :(

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 12:23 pm
by Genedril
I think the problem Satyn is that GOA's customer service was pretty poor prior to the database issue. This is nothing against the GM's who I've always considered to be helpful & work their socks off above & beyond the call of duty (from Kemor all the way up to the current ones). GOA's customer service used to be 'deny everything - wait & see what happens - hope that it'll get fixed in some patch - maybe admit something & then try & fix it'. The primary support tool is Right Now & every time I've used it I've got the same stock response (check your drivers, what system are you running, please reload your UI) regardless of what issue I've experienced - getting that response to a question about why my Guildhouse rent payment warning over wrote my personal house one & I missed rent on my house was frankly 'laughable' even though I admitted at the start of my Right Now that I should have checked both.

On the bright side ever since the database issue they've improved steadily but the problem is that a bad reputation is much harder to shake than it is to gain a good one & they dug themselves a hole a while back & it'll need more than 6 months to turn a lot of people around.

Now, just so no one thinks I'm being personal against anyone, I'd like to point out (again) that the GM's have done a sterling job against all odds & even unwarranted personal abuse - remember that they can only pass on what they're allowed to pass on & they rely on the info given to them by people higher up & from Mythic to be correct.

As for constantly hearing bad things about a company - My previous job was for a tobacco company & the abuse that they & I got was astounding. However it was my choice to work there & I could have left if it really mattered to me. The same goes for people that work in Animal Testing & abortion clinics in the US (though I've nothing against them & I'm using them as examples- that's a different topic).