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Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:34 am
by VidX
Still trying to figure out if I want to play or not. I hardly have time to log into EVE nowadays and it's got my full gaming attention :(

But if I do play I'm considering a Sorc, Archamge or BW but I'd really like to get a look at a proper spell list before making up my mind :D

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:46 am
by Alexandrinus

these are the best websites i found, everything there spell list's career planer .....

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:59 pm
by Healdropper
Jarakin wrote:Come order and you've got a place to call home mate. :)

Hey, last time we talked we were playing @ dagon heh.

Good choice, destro will be plenty of "warhammer fans". Both excalibur and Prydwen top players are planning to meet back in warhammer, we are arguing about what kind of server but It looks pretty sure that we'll be playing order. I can keep u informed if u want to.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:12 pm
by Healdropper
Rami wrote:WAR looks so WoWish, makes me feel sick...
But you'll (unfortunately :P) see me in WAR on your server anyway. thumbup:
nice to see u again mate ;)

WAR rvr mmo vs WOW pve mmo with casual / low qua pvp, thats why i dont care about graphics. Tbh I think thah last daoc expansion had styles and spells details way better, but lets wait for final release.

And for those that think WaR could be a AoC2.0, at least it has its final rvr system deployed and has been tested along a year by thousand of players, so end game its working and is not a "build ur guild city" boredom till we implement "some kind of end game pvp, thx a lot for ur montly money"

I don`t know if it will be so good as daoc was when they released it, but im sure we won't see those mistakes funcome have done with aoc.

see u soon!

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:43 pm
by Skippy
Dardalion wrote:Lo m8 :D
xianeta's Skippy. Dardalion mentioned to me tonight that he saw you post on here. Not sure if you'll remember me xianeta from the oaks (used to kick around with sparhawk and his wife). Man, it's been yearts since then. Good to see you around again old friend. Are you guilded?.


Hiya guys! Long time no see... Are you well and are you gonna be playing WAR? :)

I was playing WoW with Roses of Dawn but I've just been kinda drifting in and out of it for the last year tbh. I'm not aware that any of them will be making the move to warhammer so will probably be starting unguilded. Have you guys any plans?? It would be great to meet up with some old friends again in warhammer! bounce:

Attn Skippy

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:29 pm
by xianeta
Skippy wrote:Hiya guys! Long time no see... Are you well and are you gonna be playing WAR? :)

I was playing WoW with Roses of Dawn but I've just been kinda drifting in and out of it for the last year tbh. I'm not aware that any of them will be making the move to warhammer so will probably be starting unguilded. Have you guys any plans?? It would be great to meet up with some old friends again in warhammer! bounce:
Hi skippy, nice to see a reply. Yes, both me and Dard are moving to WAR. I am guilded with the "Lords Of England" Link : . A UK guild with at least 60 of us moving to WAR. Dard is with Severance, a much smaller guild, but a very well organised one. Hopefully we can all hook up on the same server once WAR kicks off. If your looking for a Guild "LoE" are recruiting ATM, so give our site a visit.
Whatever you do stay in touch and let us know who/what you are in game, least these days we all have vent :D



PS I am Samotyr on LoE and you can see a pic of me in the RL pic section.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:56 pm
by Nikolas
We are still undecided which faction to go with at launch at this end! Althuogh theres been a recent sudden Order surge. Order is still ahead from the 10 or so people polled with about 5 or 6 votes yet to come in.

it's about 50/50 with which server type atm.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:04 pm
by Sardine
Each time I read about WAR, the more I want to play it! It sounds absolutely immense. Really not sure if it's a wise decision to play it though as I start uni in two weeks and my play time will most likely be very limited. :(


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:05 pm
by Treeeebeard
Sardine wrote:Each time I read about WAR, the more I want to play it! It sounds absolutely immense. Really not sure if it's a wise decision to play it though as I start uni in two weeks and my play time will most likely be very limited. :(

I'm back at uni at the end of this month, but am still getting it, Just hoping i have the time to put it too good use there, guess that'll decide whether i subscribe during uni terms or just over the holidays =/

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:34 am
by Khylrion
Me and a couple of buddies from daoc-days will play EU destruction.
A core server as we don't really like the chicken concept as you might miss out on content.

Suggest an Order sounding name so there will be more people playing that.
Although the last polls show there might actually be more people playing Order in general.

Take care folks ... good to be back :D