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HI Drachy here

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 3:09 pm
by Drachy
Anyone playing Phoenix?
Started coupled of minutes ago as a Mid :-)

Re: HI Drachy here

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:31 pm
by Genedril
Ohh good god.

Umm, Puz is. I dip in and out as does Beli. There's some new cool bloke called Rjann you does. Tuth hasn't made the leap yet.

Anyways - hello stranger!

{edit} Forgot to say that NFD mostly hang out on Disco these days which is here. I prefer forums but kids must have their new shineys to play with.

(edit2) BTW Puz, Beli, Rjann and I were in Thid on Mid last night! I'm going to stick my neck out and guess you rolled a Runie, or a SM at a stretch ;).

Re: HI Drachy here

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 8:52 am
by Drachy
Haha rolled a healer got to 27 in 5h play
Damn fun
I got older and like to support the younglings
Drachyy as a Mid so ping me ice you are in game
Damn good game this is, soon I will be in RvR again
Eager to scream incoming again and get the adrenaline rush again

Re: HI Drachy here

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 11:44 am
by Genedril
You skipped Thid :(. Most of us are hanging around there.

Work has got in the way of my playtime so I'm not very regular these days....

Get Discord (voicecomms and irc style chat) and you can talk to those that do play there more often let me know when you've got it and I'll send you a more permanent invite to it as the one above expires after 24hrs or something stupid . This place is generally me talking to myself these days (so nothing has really changed).

Re: HI Drachy here

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 9:16 am
by Belisar
Come on Drachy - get on discord ankh1:

All sorts of plans being made on there. Ofc none of it will come to fruition but the plans are interesting at least bounce:

Re: HI Drachy here

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:44 am
by Genedril
Belisar wrote:Come on Drachy - get on discord ankh1:

All sorts of plans being made on there. Ofc none of it will come to fruition but the plans are interesting at least bounce:

Ahhh - to misquote the words of Elaine Page and Barbara Dickson 'I know them so well'.

Anyway... get the discord app here and to join the NFD server then click join server and enter