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This is interesting

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:21 am
by VegetaFH1
Ive bin doin some digging into Mythic
An after seeing that mythic now have the rights to create "warhammer fantasy" as an MMORPG (witch is gonna suck... why not 40K) i found this in the.. "old site" (its probably bin posted before.. but if u take a look at mythic realms lol)


I wonder.. just out of sheer curiousity wood they do a 40k MMORPG... or even a Dungeon Keeper MMORPG.. that wood be sweet

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:23 am
by <ankh>
Warhammer fantasy > Warhammer 40.000. I can't stand mmorpgs with hightech.
Warhammer online is the only online game I really REALLY look forward too (offline its ofc ES4: Oblivion)


Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 10:45 am
by VegetaFH1
do i want to ask or do i want to know what ES4 is?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 10:59 am
by Asterixxx
warhammer 40k i used to play, it sucks, how can you play daoc and then say you want a year 40,000 big guns big tanks action game :P?
fantasy battles FTW

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 11:01 am
by VegetaFH1
sorry but.. this HAS to be put somewhere... alittle thing my friend jus sent me :p

Humpty Dumpty sat on a bed-
Little Bopeep was giving him head-
As soon as he came she started to weep-
Cos she knew by the taste he'd been shagging her sheep

Sorry.. but that jus had to be put up... im crying with laughter here.. my friend is very... perverted.. witch is good.. cus my friends a woman :D


I realize it has NOTHING to do with the topic... definatly falls into the title topic... it definatly is interesting


Aster mate... i play Halo... I am.. after all the Irish Halo Champion... an hey.. give me a tick an ill post a piccie... but Big Gunz.. im used to.. big tanks... i play Command and Conquer alot... oh.. an Dawn of War (the Warhammer 40k game) plus Tribes2..and unreal.. plus unreal tornament 2004

So i have my ... fair share of games.... oh an i used to play PlanetSide and Project Visitor... CoD.. RedFaction.. do u want me to keep going?? cus i can.. ive got amillion an one games here lol.. i am a major games player after all :)

But this actually might interest u mate... in all the communitys ive been in.. in all the games ive played and ppl ive met online from those games... NONE of them compare to this community.. none of em AT all


Right the list is there.. an below it we have

On the side of the start button we got DAOC... then DAOC again (two accounts <sigh>) then Gunz online and Dawn of War (warhammer 40k)

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:14 pm
by Xcerus
Ok please use links in future when posting a mahusive pic like that, secondly a mmorpg woul rock if any one other than lucas farts was making it.
Finally lets see how mythic do on fantasy before we come to anyconclusions about what a 40k game would actually be like... mythic excell at creating really good "features" in games like ... oh i dunno ToA...

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:20 pm
by <ankh>
You dont know what ES4: Oblivion is and yet you got ES3: Morrowind installed :)



Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:08 pm
by Lieva
Final Doom...

they lied obviously ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 6:08 pm
by Thandruil
lol Vege, i watched ur list of games and was thinking, omg the guy plays a lot of games like Doom, Halo, CS, mmorpg's, most of em pretty cool... then my eye saw Pacific Poker... talk about an mmorpg i haven't heard of yet ;).

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 6:33 pm
by Norcott
Veg.. with all due respect... get out more . ;)