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Terror Bomb in London

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:45 am
by Jarahl

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:47 am
by Satyn
aye rushed home when i saw it, have cnn on atm. Was and still am worried that something happened to ppl i love :(

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:57 pm
by Lieva
different reports where you look tbh

home secretary said only 4 blasts
police chief said 7 blasts
leicester sound said 20 peeps killed
news BBC said 2 people ..

so tbh .. dont think we will know for sure about anything for a couple of days,

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:45 pm
by pikeh
saying more than 33 fatalities CONFIRMED on bbc now.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:45 pm
by Belisar
Heard some nasty reports about fights over telephones and taxis in London but how about this for an off occurrence...

There was an accident on one of the major roads out of London (the A13) which closed the road for a while. I and a number of other vehicles were caught in a slip road and were unable to move forwards or backwards while the main junction at the side of us was completely clear.

After about 2 mins people got out of their cars/vans to have a chat as it was obvious we were going no where.

Then someone got out a football and an impromptu kick about occurred on the clear road.

Oddest of all was that someone got out a bottle of water and a cloth and started cleaning their car.

Londoners seem to have an odd way of dealing with frustrations or threats - all it lacked today was a few people with a picnic or a bottle or two and it would have almost been a street party.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 7:00 pm
by Haarewin
there was that program on c4 last night where a woman gave herself a facial and manicure in her car when she was stuck in the snow overnight. i found that quite a strange thing to do in a time of high stress.

the london events are horrifying. it really is shocking when this sort of thing happens in your own country.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 7:29 pm
by Lieva
i liked tony blairs speech. he has a good script writer.
he seemed very emotional too (not surprising)

still if the terrorists were aiming for the g8 conference..silly thing imo. Everyone will prolly back tony blair in it now :)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:19 pm
by Tare
[12:12 AM] Xcerus: childofkhain was in the tube when the bomb went off, he is still in hospital now... this is his gf he told me to sign in and tell people his raid was canceld i hope somone knows how to let people know can somone please sort this for me
[12:13 AM] Xcerus: he and Xcerus were in london together

I just can't understand why anyone would want to hurt another human being, I just can't.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:45 pm
by Tare
oh and experts once named the three countries most likely to suffer a terrorist attack.
1. Spain (Madrid 2004)
2. UK (like, right now!)
3. The Netherlands (2006? :()
They were right about the first two, let's hope the third one doesn't happen :/

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:51 pm
by Flippant Desires
Tare wrote:oh and experts once named the three countries most likely to suffer a terrorist attack.
1. Spain (Madrid 2004)
2. UK (like, right now!)
3. The Netherlands (2006? :()
They were right about the first two, let's hope the third one doesn't happen :/

third one i think was denmark
and you missed the forth one, Italy.