Nazis, etc

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Post by Belisar »

Satyn wrote: He contacted another mod (s?) about his warning. So the way i see it is that all the mods that he didnt contact are incompetent.
Gitt has not actually called anyone incompetent. What he has done is not call everyone competent so you have decided that must mean he regards all others as incompetent. In taking this point of view you are actually putting words into Gitt's mouth.

Well if we are going to be doing that from now on then you should warn me because I have not actually said anywhere I like the mods they are all nice friendly peeps simply doing what they think is right. As I have not actually put that into words anywhere then according to your logic it must mean that I think mods are all daft idiots who do not know their arse from their elbow.

As nana says elsewhere glass is half empty...

Btw can I say arse here and not get warned ? Not sure if arse is acceptable, if not then I have arsed 3 times, is that a warning for each :p

And as for the half empty glass, bah who drunk it then ? Was not me, it was like that when I got here.
Satyn wrote: And the reason why I see it like that is cos all we seem to be doing lately is defend ourselfs. If that wouldnt be the case then I prolly would read it like you and prolly wouldnt see anything wrong with it.

The way things are going atm is that we have to defend ourself over and over again.
I agree with that point, as far as this thread and a few others have gone it is questioning whether the forums are over-moderated. As I said before the natural reaction for anyone when their actions are questioned is to be defensive. As a result that does mean actions and interpretations should not be a surprise. Not being a surprise does not make them right however. Hence my point about all of us needing to take a step back and think before we post or react.

I do think that some of this is not getting us any further forward overall. We all need to be careful over our posts and reactions. We do not want a place which ends up like FH and just a series of pointless flames or arguments but equally it is a discussion forum and therefore we need to be aware that things can get heated. As long as we are all adults in our behaviour when disagreeing with things (or as adult as we can be) then we can do no more.

My example on that would be the 2 stealthing warefare guys who made a nonsense of Aran's BG last night. I did not argue or flame or accuse, I simply left the BG as it was clear any comment or plea for sense was not going to work. We can all do the same here as well.

[edit for typo's - need to go and half empty another glass, a real one this time and not an e-glass] :)
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Post by Lieva »

now belis can have a cookie :)
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Post by Jupiler »

My example on that would be the 2 stealthing warefare guys who made a nonsense of Aran's BG last night

excuse me?
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Post by Cryn »

[quote="Thandruil"]If u walk around in Germany and call someone there a nazi or a mof, u'll be lucky if u'll be eating jail food for the next days, and not hospital food thru a straw for some months.
Walk around in the Bronx and call someone there a "nignog" (sp), same thing will happen.
And there are many more words like that, which can be used to offend people or races.Sadly enough there are parents who learn em to their kids.

Again this has to lead to a witchhunt against the mods, for banning someone who has to use the word nazi cause he isn't mature enough to use another word expressing his feelings.

Enough people have died cause of the actions of the nazi's, not only jews, but also homosexuals, gypsies, and many more. So it's not only an offence to those people, but also meant very racist imo.

If u don't know anything else u can flame a person with, it's about time u stop playing DAoC imo and go read a dictionary. And some people should study very HARD! ]

You walk into my local pub and call someone a homosexual, about 80% of them would hand you your teeth in a glass. And it's not even because people think you really think they are gay, or even because people think being gay is bad, it's the INTENDED insult behind it.

It's pretty clear that Xest doesn't intend any massively insulting when he used the term how he did. But that's equally true of Loth using the term Nazi, which is exactly my point. The mods were quite happy to leave Xest to use a potentially offensive term because they viewed him sympathetically and therefore assumed he meant nothing bad. With Loth they assumed the worst possible meaning. Where's the consistency and fairness in that?

It's not a witchhunt against the mods. I realise you feel protective because Satyn is a mod, but don't start hurling accusations at me just because I have some honest criticisms. The moderation style of this forum has changed drastically recently and THAT is what is causing the comments.
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Post by Tare »

You have to see the two words in the context though.

nazi as used by Lothandar, as you can see quite offensively.

homosexual as used by Xest, for the obvious reader meant as a joke.


Post by Gitt »

Hmm, well I was going to walk away.. but I have now been re-warned for whichever of my warnings was previously revoked, and I'm still none the wiser as to which it was.

The fact that the moderators are unable to even agree with eachother with what does or does not deserve a warning and are willing to over-rule eachother is a further indictment of the inconsistant moderatiojn of this forum.

Not only do the moderators fail to agree on this mater but they are willing to refer to eachother as "blind" when over-ruling eachother... are we alowed to call people blind? surely the intent there is an insult?

Xest feel free to ban me... you are an imbecile

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Post by Xest »

Gitt has not actually called anyone incompetent. What he has done is not call everyone competent so you have decided that must mean he regards all others as incompetent. In taking this point of view you are actually putting words into Gitt's mouth.
Sadly, Gitt's attempt at wording things so that he could use this excuse to ignore the fact he was actually referring to me as incompetent was flawed by the fact Gitt managed to mis-send a PM meant for Banana to me suggesting to her that I wasn't capable of making an unbiased decision and that I might hold a personal grudge against him (although I'm not sure why, the last thing I remember saying to Gitt on these forums was goodbye and goodluck or some such in his goodbye thread).

I guess we could question the competency of some people at correctly sending PMs!
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Post by Erce »

is this carry-on-modding? (checks her bookmarks)

Can someone please get a grip on this place, everytime we have a thread we end up with another thread about the modding, and this, more than ANYTHING someone else says should be telling someone something.

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Post by Lieva »

hehe erce can i nick your avatar as a smilie :)
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Post by Belisar »

Xest wrote:Gitt managed to mis-send a PM meant for Banana to me suggesting to her that I wasn't capable of making an unbiased decision and that I might hold a personal grudge against him (although I'm not sure why, the last thing I remember saying to Gitt on these forums was goodbye and goodluck or some such in his goodbye thread).
Hmm is it me or is saying that someone may hold a personal grudge not the same as calling them incompetent. We all get blinkered from time to time by all sorts of things and that can make it hard to make an impartial decsision (on purpose or unknowingly).

I also have to agree in that one mod taking the warnings away and another adding them back (plus an extra point) seems inconsistent to me. Perhaps you need to have a chat and make a uniform decision (when I say uniform I do not mean anything to do with any sort of military uniform such as a certain prince once wore btw).

I do not know the details of the warnings and therefore have no ideas about the rights and wrongs but to the independant observer this is not exactly helping dispel any uncertainty over moderation.

Ooh in typing this I ld'd from the game and cannot get back in - hope you mods have not got some super duper new powers :p
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