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Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:13 am
by Satyn
Mojo wrote:I disagree,I think it's petty, pointless and is basically causing hassle on these boards, mods could have simply edited the word out of the post with an explanation as to why if they felt that they had to explain themselves.

Sure a lot feel negative about it, im sure alot of us are old enough and mature enough to cope with it, if i had an issue with it would have pm'ed him myself. Were all europeans, we all know OUR history and we were all affected, lets just move on huh?

well sorry Mojo but I guess me and the others are not mature or old enough to cope with it then.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:32 am
by Scabs
Banana wrote:hmm

when prince harry wore a nazi uniform to a fancy dress ball not one person said he was being facist but that he was outwardly supporting one of the most vileist nastyest things to ever have occured in the history of the planet
tbh banana if i wore one of these out fits to a party I probably wouldn't get much of a comment, the fact is that he is royalty and it was blown up out of proportion like anything that royalty and celebs do that is slightly politically or socially incorrect.

The papers made a point out of it just for some news, so the people in the media spot light have to agree. Imagine if some political or other said "ffs it's a party out fit". The media would jump on it aswell. Giving said person unwanted media attention.

For Prince harry to wear that costume was stupid not wrong. And to say thathe was outwarddly supporting the most vilist etc etc is just stupid in my opinion. He is not supporting anything it was a fancy dress party.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:36 am
by Ankh Morpork
I'm actually suprised i've had no nazi comments so far as I've posted pics of both me and my tattoos...then again, im too nice to be one :D


Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:36 am
by Scabs
[quote="Banana"]You can also say that the nazi were one of the most organised people in the history of the planet either and their fanitic dedication to their cause was something not seen before however most would say that is not what the word nazi means ]

Yup unfortunatly Hilter used his great mind for all the wrong reason, so making him infamous and not Famous.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:42 am
by Scabs
OohhoO wrote:Well I guess this isn't going to be a popular opinion, but still ...

First of all, this is a private forum & not a democracy. No-one has any posting rights whatsoever here unless the mods say so. Mods are like bosses. You call your boss a wanker, you're out. Your boss calls you a wanker, nothing happens. Fair? No. Deal with it. It's called life. Most boards I've posted on you get a permanent ban for insulting a mod in any way whatsoever.

No I call my boss a wanker I get a bollocking, he calls me a wanker, I get one hell of an apology from him. And he feels small and stupid for the next few weeeks everytime he sees me. To think that your boss is allowed to call you that should grow some balls and stand up to there boss.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:43 am
by Satyn
Scabs wrote:
Banana wrote:hmm

when prince harry wore a nazi uniform to a fancy dress ball not one person said he was being facist but that he was outwardly supporting one of the most vileist nastyest things to ever have occured in the history of the planet

tbh banana if i wore one of these out fits to a party I probably wouldn't get much of a comment, the fact is that he is royalty and it was blown up out of proportion like anything that royalty and celebs do that is slightly politically or socially incorrect.

The papers made a point out of it just for some news, so the people in the media spot light have to agree. Imagine if some political or other said "ffs it's a party out fit". The media would jump on it aswell. Giving said person unwanted media attention.

For Prince harry to wear that costume was stupid not wrong. And to say thathe was outwarddly supporting the most vilist etc etc is just stupid in my opinion. He is not supporting anything it was a fancy dress party.

i'm sure that if you go to a fancy dress party you can pick something else to wear than that. Yes it was stupid but it was also wrong. For a prince he should have more braincapacity to realise himself that he would cause other ppl to have a fit if they saw it. He's a 'celebraty' he's suppose to set the example.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:50 am
by Scabs
Bugzy wrote:Ignore this post plz.
i usually do when you post :)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:57 am
by Frozodo
Etharion and Lairiodd that was the good old days, where i played hib prydwen :D, sorry to get a bit side step of the topic but hey i agree with the mods they got to consider everyone feelings etc to run a good forum. since no1 got banned for that it is fair, but all people are different but if u ask me if we start using the word in ordinary language we will forgot how it got here in the first place and the world will repeat the same mistake again not saying that it would be germany but it might be another country.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:36 am
by Gitt
Gitt wrote:
With regard to the over-invasive influence being exerted upon this forum by a select group of individuals I would favour the term "small minded, imature self-absorbed bully"...

...but thats just a personal opinion of course <grins>

Interesting, apparently a non-directed and entirely personal opinion regarding the hypothetical flexing of the muscles of non specified individuals is now enough to earn a warning.

...Whereas people with a long history of making direct and specific attacks, flames and insults against any individual with whom they disagree get promoted to moderators :p

Read it again Xest.. you may notice that No-one has been insulted by my post, which simply states my prefered alternative to the use of the word's Nazi and Fascist.

Any insult is entirely at the inference of the reader, and thus can only be seen as such if the person in question has a guilty conscience about something. ;)

I will however graciously accept your warning as punishment for my reply to your personal message :)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:40 am
by Jupiler
erm could i get an explanation of why maeloch got a warning? because his opinion didn't fit with the mods?