Lairiodd wrote:A free market is a significant portion of capitalism.
Also, freedom in the USA on a bad day is a hell of alot better than alot of other countries on their best days. I mean would you fear for your life if you lived in the US, even if you publically disagreed with the Bush administration ? Now ask the same question for countries in the Middle East.
The real problem is that there is a different grading scale for different countries. The US is judged alot harsher than the countries "on the other side".
Free market yes - but to call america "The Land Of Freedom" is just plain stupid. We're talking about a land where you cannot swear or show nudity on telly. A land where money means everything (I guess that doesnt have much to do with freedom, but I might aswell mention it).
You really think its freedom when they force their way of living onto others? Just because other countries doesnt live by the same standards as United States it doesnt mean they want to do it.
We're talking about a land who tells others how they should live and run their countries - that doesnt sound much like freedom to me.
Edit: But let's stick to the main issue - the christian soldiers. Cos im pretty sure you and I can argue about what freedom is and what we think about the united states for ever.
Edit: then again, this thread was about american extremists so I guess we're on the right track afterall ... tofascism/