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Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:43 pm
by Maeloch
1. nazi - national socialist, etc

2. nazi - a throwaway term used to decribe people who use their (usually small amount of) power over zealously; person with an anal obsession with rules. See also 'Little Hitler'.

Come on, it's a word which has been used since the war and before in a jokey way, as well as it's original meaning. It's pretty obvious when it's been used no one is being called rascist, national socialist, facist (another word used in a throwaway way) or anything else.

I think you are being 'nazis' about the use of this word.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:01 pm
by Satyn
Maeloch wrote:
I think you are being 'nazis' about the use of this word.
And the meaning of you saying this is? Trying to get a warning? Want to prove a point? pls explain cos i'm pretty curious now.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:07 pm
by Lairiodd
Tare wrote:Now, I'll grant you that the mods seem a very close-knit group, unlike the old days where Etharion and Lairiodd were our mods and didn't show this group behaviour.

The reason why it seems different than in the old days (ah memories), in my opinion, is because the moderators are amongst the most active posters on this forum. Any thread made on this forum is bound to be visited by multiple mods.
I was 2nd highest poster during my peak :), damn Xest.
On top of that, the mods on this forum carry their heart on their tongue, Etharion and Lairiodd seemed to be a bit more reluctant to voice their personal opinion. Personally I don't see a problem with this, it's a decision apparently made between the mods that it's ok to actively participate in debate, with the occasional confrontational position.
I used to always say what I would have said. Maybe, I am just less controversial :). Also, some people used to think I over locked threads ... or maybe that was just Xest :). The forums were not perfect back then either.

The system was that threads were locked as soon as anyone flamed anyone else for any reason. Sometimes I split them if it was mainly a good thread. Also, since I was mainly doing the locking, it was more consistant as it was just one person.

The new system is more based on warnings and less thread lockings. This can mean that people get banned (for 3 days ... so not massive) for consistantly posting inappropriately. It does have the disadvantage that there are no more decisions made and also they are more directed at a single person. I did get some complaints about a thread locking but at least the original decision was directed at the thread and not a specific person.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:07 pm
by Gitt
Maeloch wrote:
I think you are being 'nazis' about the use of this word.

Carefull Mael, they'll come for you in the night, carry you off and force you to wear a "I have been warned" badge :p

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:09 pm
by Maeloch
Satyn wrote:And the meaning of you saying this is? Trying to get a warning? Want to prove a point? pls explain cos i'm pretty curious now.
I read the stuff about nazis and said what i thought, what point u trying to prove?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:09 pm
by Thandruil
Gitt wrote:Carefull Mael, they'll come for you in the night, carry you off and force you to wear a "I have been warned" badge :p
OMG where do u keep finding em... U are so funny!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:32 pm
by OohhoO
It seems to me to a certain extent that the point being made through the roses is that either:-
1) demands & enforces a certain standard of behaviour & takes the risk that anyone not prepared to post in a mature & respectful manner prefers to post on FH or VN instead, or ...
2) allows anyone to post whatever they want & takes the risk of losing the mature & respectful posters with no garantee that the rest wouldn't prefer to post on FH or VN instead anyway.

At this point I guess I should do my coming out & say that I no longer look at FH or VN at all since I discovered, just to make it clear where I'm coming from, although I know I'm not representative.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:33 pm
by Lairiodd
Maeloch wrote:I read the stuff about nazis and said what i thought, what point u trying to prove?
I guess this is being over discussed :), the "problem" is that the mods are trying to be fair and get community input.

Probably the best thing would be just to say if you you insult a mod (rather than disagree with their opinion), you risk a warning.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:37 pm
by Tare
Lairiodd wrote:I was 2nd highest poster during my peak :), damn Xest.
Now u mention it, I do remember! Your posts often were abit less controversial though :)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:46 pm
by Maeloch
Lairiodd wrote:Probably the best thing would be just to say if you you insult a mod (rather than disagree with their opinion), you risk a warning.
tbh I wasn't critising the modding or suggestion bannana is a nazi, just people taking the literal meaning of the word is stupid and when it comes to offence and being offended it takes two to tango. If you want to deliberately take the worst possible meaning of a word which clearly has two uses, then they're just as daft as someone throwing it about with no understanding of the orginal meaning.