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Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:21 am
by Mojo
Banana wrote: so unless is your gf/wife/kids/dog/hamster/ankh - no great loss :p
it was a great loss :o

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:44 am
by Ankh Morpork
Banana wrote:apparently the new ones come complete with pr0n pics these days :<
so unless is your gf/wife/kids/dog/hamster/ankh - no great loss :p
<mumble mumble> fist up your butt <mumble mumble> Xest's face <mumble mumble>


Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:49 am
by Xest
Hehe, yeah had fun. I know exactly how you feel, I started travelling just over a year ago and just can't travel enough now, England is kinda dull and depressing compared. The Eagles are certainly impressive in the US/Canada, when I was in California last year I was thinking "WTF, this place is messed up, it has no pidgeons" then about 10mins later I see an eagle fly past and my chain of thought changed to "Ahah, so that's why there's no pidgeons here" ;)

The biggest problem I've found with the UK after travelling is we just have too many people here, England has around 60 million people leaving here yet it's like 1/100th the size of Canada that only has around 30 million living there, although admittedly large amounts of Canada are uninhabitable, the UK is definetely far too densly populated - hence why we just couldn't sustain animals like wolves and bears here even if they were to reintroduce them, we just don't have the vast forests anymore that the Americas still have.

Of course the only downside to the Americas is the rednecks, French Canadians and Bush supporters that plague the US and Canada, without them it'd be such a perfect place ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:28 pm
by Heta
ok, I'm coming here with the winner...

Xest is going to play in our group on Lamorak :(

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:30 pm
by pikeh
(another reason why america is so good- all that size power and great looks all for the equivalent of £10.5 k, so what if its a gas guzzler, petrol prices are like 30-40 pence per litre there)

The people seem a lot more friendly and talkative, and they also are a lot more straight talking, they will say exactly what they think, which is something i think UK residents need to be, maybe this is contributing to the claustrophobic feeling.

Im sure if you lived is US you would learn to avoid rednecks and bush-ists, just like the sensible UK resident learns to avoid chavs and gypsies i guess.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:26 pm
by Lieva
Mojo wrote:it was a great loss :o

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:33 pm
by Xest
pikeh wrote:
(another reason why america is so good- all that size power and great looks all for the equivalent of £10.5 k, so what if its a gas guzzler, petrol prices are like 30-40 pence per litre there)

The people seem a lot more friendly and talkative, and they also are a lot more straight talking, they will say exactly what they think, which is something i think UK residents need to be, maybe this is contributing to the claustrophobic feeling.

Im sure if you lived is US you would learn to avoid rednecks and bush-ists, just like the sensible UK resident learns to avoid chavs and gypsies i guess.
I did find it very dependant on where in the US you were - Arizona for example seemed absolutely full of religious zealots and rednecks compared to California, almost like they were two entirely different countries in that respect. It's the same in Canada though, outside Quebec everyone was really nice and pleasant but as soon as you enter Quebec you begin to run into a far more selfish, arrogant, anti-English attitude. For example all of Canada has signs in French and English except Quebec, where everything is French only because they want to be their own country whilst maintaining the rest of Canada's strengths (economy and such).

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:03 pm
by Argyleyn
Hmm, saw this thread a bit late but i think i can put Mojo up to a challenge:

- At the end of May, I went to Russia on a university trip. In the train my bag was stolen, which had inside: my id, passport, 500 euros, my cell phone, a digital camera and my student pass. I had to spend 2 days of my time there traveling between our embassy and the russian police bureau (not a pleasant experience mind you) filling forms so i can get a temp passport. At the airport i found out 1 hour before leaving that it wasn't enough and i had to get an exit visa, which surprise surprise cost an extra 150 euros or 150 dollars (according to the Russian embassy 1 euro=1 dollar, interrnational markets and prices are for idiots). On top of all that i had to fly with Aeroflot which is another great experience, if you are about to try it have fun and good luck.

- In June, i felt a bit overconfident one night and decided to tell a girl i knew for over a year that i liked her for the whole time. I got rejected, which in this particular instance made me feel very bad and the worse part is that it happened 10 days before my exams. Final score of the exams was 0/7 courses passed, i have to repeat the whole semestre now.

- Finally, after a month i go on holidays at an island. One day after we arrive a taxi decides that going with 100 km/hour when people cross the street is absolutely fine. He run over me, i jumped about 3-4m high, fortunately only broke my leg, but in a pretty bad way. Operation+5 days at the hospital, and now the first of the 3 months i have to spend just sitting has passed.

-On top of all of that i can't stay at my house because i live alone and i have been forced to move back to my parent's which apart from my parent's constant presence has only a 56k modem connection with which any online game is totally unplayable!

How did i do?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:32 pm
by Hatsepsut
Hmm let's see...

a few months ago, my stepfather, who was one of my absolute favourite people in the entire world, died from cancer.

I'm broke.

I recently got my degree and now I feel that I would like to do something completely different.

I'm too old to become a professional dancer, which is what I would like to do the most.

This summer I have had about 10 hot sunny days at the most.

My cat is in heat and keeps me up all night.

My car broke down and I had to sell it and now I can't afford a new one.

Shall I go on...? :P

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:43 pm
by pikeh
Amedor wrote:Erm..

I can't get Hotmail to work.. on any of my computers connected to my firewall
I can't get Guild Wars to work.. so I can finally take my break from DAoC :(
My computer had to be reformated, and I lost all of the files and GBs of music, because I couldn't save them :(
shit how do you go on....

/sarcasm off