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Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:58 pm
by Satyn
<ankh> wrote:pms cow ]/Ankh[/B]
cow ...ok


Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:26 pm
by Lieva
Quinlan wrote:I rather go to a woman's toilet then a men's. They are (expeccialy in pubs) disgusting..:p
think its a both gender thing.

Ages range from 23-56 at my work of roughly maybe 60people in the building.
someone keeps pooing in the girls toilets and not clearing the mess.
Also about 2 weeks ago someone dragged their poo accross the floor (i presume dog poo but seriously..its that bad we couldnt just asume it was...) so none of the ladies on our floor would use the toilet all afternoon.

People used to drip on the seats also - sure there is toilet-flush backlash but not that much.
Well, until I got a humerous card regarding dribbles and stuck it on the toilet main door. Now there is only back-lash dribbles.
Now I need one about poo..

I have NO idea what the mens are like but since the mens do not open to the outside i can imagine it must smell...

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:41 pm
by OohhoO
Quinlan wrote:Yes you definately are Nana. I rather go to a woman's toilet then a men's. They are (expeccialy in pubs) disgusting..

I knew the result when i posted this poll that men dont get it in general unless they ever had to clean it regularly themselves..

Filty people!!

That's so not true!

Where I work the womens toilets are disgusting & the mens toilets are super-clean!

The womens toilets have shit on the OUTSIDE of the loo daily & blood all over the place & discarded bloody tampons scattered about the floor. The mens loos are spotless by comparison.

& there are more men than women!

Maybe it's because the women rejoice in the fact that they finally found a loo which they don't have to clean themselves :p

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:46 pm
by Lieva
OohhoO wrote:That's so not true!

Where I work the womens toilets are disgusting & the mens toilets are super-clean!

The womens toilets have shit on the OUTSIDE of the loo daily & blood all over the place & discarded bloody tampons scattered about the floor. The mens loos are spotless by comparison.

& there are more men than women!

Maybe it's because the women rejoice in the fact that they finally found a loo which they don't have to clean themselves :p

must be just workplaces huh ^^

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:56 pm
by Satyn
OohhoO wrote:That's so not true!

Where I work the womens toilets are disgusting & the mens toilets are super-clean!

The womens toilets have shit on the OUTSIDE of the loo daily & blood all over the place & discarded bloody tampons scattered about the floor. The mens loos are spotless by comparison.

& there are more men than women!

Maybe it's because the women rejoice in the fact that they finally found a loo which they don't have to clean themselves :p
what are you doing in the womens toilets????? ... oh wait i dont think i should have asked that question now i'll have other visions tonight .. yesterday Xest in a tutu and tonight OohhoO in the ladies room.

blood all over the place .. tampons on the floor?? ewewewewew

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:00 pm
by OohhoO
<thinks fast>

they photo it with their mobiles & show me the pictures
Oh & they moan about it all the time!

<wipes sweat from brow & heads back to the ladies room>

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:01 pm
by Satyn
OohhoO wrote:<thinks fast>

they photo it with their mobiles & show me the pictures
Oh & they moan about it all the time!

<wipes sweat from brow & heads back to the ladies room>
no no no you're not getting away with it that easy .. i want details :D

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:02 pm
by Lieva
Satyn wrote:what are you doing in the womens toilets????? ... oh wait i dont think i should have asked that question now i'll have other visions tonight .. yesterday Xest in a tutu and tonight OohhoO in the ladies room.

blood all over the place .. tampons on the floor?? ewewewewew
hehe i totally got someone with that once.

He acting all superiour and saying that only an idiot wouldnt be able to know the ladies had been painted as the paint was still wet so I fired back in a split second 'why?, have you been in the ladies?'

Happened about 5yrs ago but still gets mentioned :D

That sort of questioning makes men so flummoxed :) tis fun :D

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:04 pm
by OohhoO
<wonders if his reputation will ever recover>

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:06 pm
by Lieva
OohhoO wrote:<wonders if his reputation will ever recover>
dun worry
we already knew you hung about the ladies.
all men do ^^