Nazis, etc

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Post by Lairiodd »

Well, presumably a person who you can insult with immunity is also a friend. You could PM him. Also, if he responded to the post without counter flaming you (and preferably with a smilie), then you could use that as evidence in your defense. The other option would be for us to have a message like when someone is thread banned, indicating that the person has been warned for this post. In any case, unless you are on 2 warnings, getting a warning is no big deal.
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Post by Lieva »

well at the end of the day its down to the warned and the warnee

when we have left it open for everyone to see - everyone and their dog would jump on the bandwagon of complaing regarding the warning (such as the lothander one - loth wasnt warned it was someone else)
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Post by Xest »

[quote="Erce"]Basically here we have two people being treated differently cos the mods "know" one of them and read into his/her post how they know the person would have meant it.

The other post got moderated cos Satyn didn]
I'm not sure how to make this more clear, but here goes, in both scenarios there were two parties:

Lothandar - Okay with what he said.
Satyn - Offended with what was said.

Me - Okay with what I said.
Heta - Okay with what I said.

That's the clear difference here, in one situation offence was taken, whereas in the other it wasn't, that demonstrates that Lothandars comment came across as an insult, whereas mine didn't and wasn't intended as one. If Lothandar had even said "Sorry I didn't mean it in an offensive way" in a PM for example then that too would've undoubtedly made it okay and the warning would've been lifted.
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Post by Scabs »

OK I'm gonna leave it there as the not showing the first warning is full of holes.
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Post by Lairiodd »

Scabs wrote:OK I'm gonna leave it there as the not showing the first warning is full of holes.
Well the theory is that the first warning is just a friendly reminder of the posting rules. If someone gets a 2nd warning, then they are clearly just breaking them intentionally.
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Post by Erce »

Xest wrote:I'm not sure how to make this more clear, but here goes, in both scenarios there were two parties:

Lothandar - Okay with what he said.
Satyn - Offended with what was said.

Me - Okay with what I said.
Heta - Okay with what I said.

That's the clear difference here, in one situation offence was taken, whereas in the other it wasn't, that demonstrates that Lothandars comment came across as an insult, whereas mine didn't and wasn't intended as one. If Lothandar had even said "Sorry I didn't mean it in an offensive way" in a PM for example then that too would've undoubtedly made it okay and the warning would've been lifted.

Xest, saying the same thing over and over again won;t change how I see it, so lets just leave it as.... You see things one way, I see things another and leave it at that. I was talking in a more general way, as I too am having trouble with the new look, but no doubt I will get used to it :-)

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Post by Scabs »

[quote="Erce"]Xest, saying the same thing over and over again won]

you should have just sent a pm to banana saying that the comment Xest made about jeuz (or whatever his name si) Homosexual world insulting to homosexuals insulting and theyshould have given him a warning
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Post by Radu »

Any point to argue over the mods ? they are bad (sorry banana, this new set of mods are craps), clearly they cant get over their little personal shits - we (users) cant do much, banana choosed her friends, shrug.
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Post by Lieva »

Oh for heavens sake

well for one month you guys are on your own. I wasnt going to say anything cuz it will only instigate flame wars but here it is.
from 31st October - 31st November this forum will be unmodded by myself and maybe the other mods will join in. (barring the usual movement of posts)

We shall see how bad it gets shall we?
And when it does turn into the expected hell hole kindly refrain from making any more accusations or moans regarding how things are ran.

/edit oh and i didnt lock this btw just incase people are wondering :)
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Post by Lairiodd »

As the final post in this thread, Gitt asked that his PM conversation be posted.

My PM to him (CC-ed all the mods)
Lairiodd wrote:Hi,
I have cc-ed all the mods. I was looking through your warnings and they all seem justified.
With regard to the over-invasive influence being exerted upon this forum by a select group of individuals I would favour the term "small minded, imature self-absorbed bully"...
This is mod flaming and is justified.

You then responded with
Very kind.. let me add Tin-pot dictator to the list
I am not sure if I would have warned you for a PM, but in any case, the COC applies to PMs, so this is justified.
Xest feel free to ban me... you are an imbecile
This is mod flaming and is justified.

All the mods are not going to agree 100% on everything and what one mod thinks is OK, another might not. However, we can't just start reversing each others decisions, unless the mod is abusing his/her position. You broke the posting rules (this is not just a case of Xest randomly warning you) and were warned for 3 different violations and that resulted in a 3 day (not perma or something) ban.

The ban is only a 3 day ban (you effectively got 2 yellow cards before getting the red card) , so there is no point in making a big deal about it and in any case, after the 2nd warning, you knew that it would be easy to get the 3rd one. It is unfortunate that you reacted to the first warning by getting the other 2, but it seems likely you knew what you were doing.

The warnings are meant to be no a big deal, even if we warned everyone once, they could still post. It is a system that allows mods to tell people that they are starting to cross the line rather than waiting until they really cross the line and then issue a perma ban. It is a system that gives minor posting violations a minor response (just a warning) and progressively gives harsher punishments.

Gitt wrote: I think you will find that I made no attack against you at all, I simply added Tin-pot dictator to the list of terms I would use in preference to Nazi or Fascist.

Is it moderator policy to persecute people for suggesting alternative words for the ones which people find offensive? or to take personal umbridge to a slight which only they percieve? who moderates the moderators to ensure they are capable and competent to carry out their duties?
This was a response to his warning for the PM. In any case, he wasn't just suggesting another word it was clearly intended as an insult.
Gitt wrote: he warned me about my use of an insult which did not exist, I had been suggesting alternatives to Nazi and Fascist... so I thanked him kindly for his warning and asked if I might add Tin-pot dictator to the list.

It seems the issue here is regarding the differences between implication, interpretation and intent, regretably Xest has taken it upon himself to decide for us all which is best to judge people by.

When someone uses Nazi, Fascist or Dictator to describe actions he choses to take the worst possible interpretation, whereas when he himselves cast aspersions towards someones sexuality he passes it off as a meaningless and innocent quip with no intended insult.

The readers on these forums are on the whole intelligent enough to know the difference, but it seems that the moderators interpretation is somewhat inconsistent and I would suggest possibly even prone to personal bias.
This is clearly just taking the **** (especially the first paragraph)
Gitt wrote: Banana, I respect you a great deal but please recognise that at no point have I used this board to persue a personal vendetta.. unlike some of the people you have mentioned.

I agree that I dislike Thand and Satyn, but have tried to leave that as history.. something which they refuse to do. I have too little regard for either of them to pursue a personal agenda on these boards.

I have never had an issue with either Xest or Ankh and as far as I am aware they have no personal grievance against me.

I put my oar in on this thread because I could see over-zealous, biased and hipocritical responses of exactly the type being questioned in the first place...

Warn me/Ban me if you like but I think you'll find it just adds more fuel to the fire.
Gitt wrote: Sorry Nana, I'll leave you all in peace for a while, was fun to see everyone again, albeit briefly.

I'll part with one last comment..

Some of your moderators are.. in my humble and frequently innacurate opinion which should by no means be accepted without close personal scrutiny..

fool (fl)
1. One who acts unwisely on a given occasion
2. Informal A person with a talent or enthusiasm for a certain activity
3. A member of a royal or noble household who provided entertainment, as with jokes or antics]

It is perfectly normal for people to take the normal meaning of the word and/or use context. In any case, the correct course of action is not to actually throw insults when someone misinterprets something as an insult, it is to apologise. If he had PM-ed Xest, "sorry, I didn't think anyone would take it personally, I just meant that I felt the mods were issuing warning a little to quickly", then maybe Xest would have lifted it. Also, an offer to edit the post, might also work.
Gitt wrote: PM to Satyn
Never admit that you're on the defensive, it gives the impression that you lack the conviction for your actions.

Also, never be affraid to overturn a poor decision... Xest played straight into my hand when he warned me... I could have kissed him for the second one
I think its clear what his objectives were.
bannana/Gitt on MSN wrote: Banana says:
Also, never be affraid to overturn a poor decision... Xest played straight into my hand when he warned me... I could have kissed him for the second one
Banana says:
Gitt says:
yes.. I was half expecting one of the mods to warn me.. I was surprised it came from xest but the source was irrelevant, it added weight to the discussion, when he added a second warning based on his compounded misunderstanding of my post it was like christmas
Banana says:
so you were trying to wind people up?
Banana says:
the 2nd warning was you calling him a tin-pot dictator for some reason he didnt like it - cant think why
Gitt says:
You mauy note I specifically and publically thank him for that on page 7.. and no.. I wasnt out to wind people up, I was out to highlight the inconsistant and over-zealous moderation.. if people got wound up it really IS due to their own paranoia... and I didnt call him a tin-pot dictator... please read that again Nana
Gitt says:
but having said that, despite it being unintentional the fact that I recieved two dubious warnings did indeed somewhat substantiate my case... I can't claim to regret that the moderators assisted me in highlighting the problem ]

Also, he wanted it confirmed that the PM he sent to Banana that Xest received was sent to both, so Xest was incorrect when he said that it was accidently sent to the wrong person. This is the case, both of them received the PM.
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