Planning a smoking area?

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Post by Lieva »

Satyn wrote:hunny ... i appreciate what you are saying but i think there is more harmfull stuff in the air than cigarette smoke.
aye alot more.

tbh its just smokers time to be picked on.
give it a few years and vegetarians will be picked on for putting farmers out of business.

Sux but *shrugs* tis the world atm.
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Post by Xest »

Lieva wrote:aye alot more.

tbh its just smokers time to be picked on.
give it a few years and vegetarians will be picked on for putting farmers out of business.

Sux but *shrugs* tis the world atm.
Banana, who do you think grow vegetables? :p
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Post by OohhoO »

aye every bully needs someone to pick on, & since everyone always seems to think they're right purely because they exist there's always a way to justify it at the time too.

Sooner or later everyone gets picked on... witches, jews, currently cigarette smokers, next year car-drivers, year after that orange-t-shirt-wearers, then anyone with an X in their name...
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Post by Xest »

Heta bullies me all the time :(
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Post by Shi »

3 years i dun smoke, yet i think this idea is pretty bad taste O.o
if thats so smart they should put it in Mcdonalds too, or pubs, name it, life kills :D its proven
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Post by Satyn »

Alright ... its like some of you already said. its pick on the smokers time.
Xest you cant honestly say that you blame sigarette smoke for causing cancer to ppl that dont smoke. Because altho it CAN in some cases be true i blame tsjernobyl for a lot of the cancer.
When i was a child, cancer was something that happened with the mother of the friend of the uncle ... now its your mum, your dad, yourself. Its more and more. And you cant say that its only due to sigarettes cos they have been around for ages and ages. It got advertised in the past as being for the wealty, if you had standing you had to smoke etc.
If you dont want to get cancer at all, stop eating, drinking and lock yourself up in a sterile room. And even then you might still get it cos i some cases you are born with the gene.
My mum had cancer twice now. 10 years ago she had breast cancer, last year she got lymph cancer. The doctor ran some tests on her to see if she carried the gene and could have passed it on to me or my sister but she didnt. I can now get tested to see if i will get cancer in the future but i refuse to do so. One because its never certain and two because i want to live my life the way it comes and not live in fear of when it might strike. If you're scared of getting cancer then you need to have a lot of checkups. Thats what its all about, the sooner they get it the sooner they can try to get rid of it.

But i honestly understand the ppl that bitch about smokers. I nag about it myself and i smoke. But we dont smoke in pubs, restaurants and public places anymore and i think that goes far enough. Not allowing someone to smoke outside is stepping over that line. Cos it will never be good enough. Cos over here we see the next generation of whiners standing up and thats about the 4x4 cars. So maybe next year it will indeed be the orange T-shirts or maybe the pink socks.

And Xest, nana ment that the farmers earn more money with cow's, pigs etc than they do with vege's (in most cases that is). ie they will nag cos they are losing money.
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Post by Satyn »

ShiShi wrote:3 years i dun smoke, yet i think this idea is pretty bad taste O.o
if thats so smart they should put it in Mcdonalds too, or pubs, name it, life kills :D its proven
that is very true. And you have my respect that you quit smoking cos its a hard thing to do. Just think about everything we eat, drink, and even touch. Everything is dangerous. Living is dangerous. And you might eliminate one danger there will come another one as soon as you got rid of the first.
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Post by Moley:) »

My auntie smoked for years and years .. she had kids she smoked. They ended up with terrible problems . I hate her. I shouldn't, but i do, and i hate all smokers, say im wrong fine , but lets face facts. smoking kills and if people can't see from packet saying 'smoking kills' Well then your just dumb. They should put it on alcohol too but money is a big factor.

Say that life kills fine, but no way as much as what smoking has caused. And yes in years passed people smoked. and most lived till they got old and died from terrible things, i know i seen it happen. I have lost loved ones through it and i have no or little respect for people who do it.

When your at deaths door. You will regret it, even if it relieved stress (though the stress probably caused by smoking as u get dependant on it, oh viscious circle.)

[Sorry if this upsets smokers but it's the truth]
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Post by Xest »

Satyn wrote:Xest you cant honestly say that you blame sigarette smoke for causing cancer to ppl that dont smoke. Because altho it CAN in some cases be true i blame tsjernobyl for a lot of the cancer.
Oh so if smokers only kill a few people it's ok? As long as they're not responsible for 100% of cancer deaths or anything?

I understand that I could get cancer regardless of what I do, but if I got cancer, particularly terminal cancer because of someone elses smoke don't you see that as a little unfair? It's frankly manslaughter through negligence. What if your smoking had been responsible for your mum's cancer? Wouldn't that make you feel in the slightest bit guilty and make you realise smoking is bad and a habit that really needs to be stamped out?
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Post by Satyn »

Xest wrote:Oh so if smokers only kill a few people it's ok? As long as they're not responsible for 100% of cancer deaths or anything?

I understand that I could get cancer regardless of what I do, but if I got cancer, particularly terminal cancer because of someone elses smoke don't you see that as a little unfair? It's frankly manslaughter through negligence. What if your smoking had been responsible for your mum's cancer? Wouldn't that make you feel in the slightest bit guilty and make you realise smoking is bad and a habit that really needs to be stamped out?
think i'm just gona give up while i'm at it because there is no fighting about this. Yes smoking is bad, dumb, stupid, etc etc etc but the way you are talking its as if cigarettes are to blame for all cancers in the world. And i'm trying to say that that is bullshit.
Fallen Spirits GM
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