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Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:50 pm
by Aran_Thule
Main problems i have with this is that any chip that retains information could be used for multiple purposes.
There is the issue at the moment of the goverment wanting to introduce black box like computer system which effectively can track your location.
There is also the problem of security, given the issues with credit card fraud ect it would have to be very very safe if it was going to be linked to your finances.
For that reason alone i would be very hesitant to use something like this.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:56 pm
by Satyn
doesnt need to be with personal information I think. Like with Proton (no idea what the english version is called) its a card where you put money on. No personal information at all on it.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:06 pm
by Trez
There would be no personal info on the chip, ofc there will have to be some info on the server where the signal ends up, otherwise it cant deduct the money from your account, but as with online banking today it will have a high security, if this wasn't made nobody would use it.

Btw oohhoo, this is taken from the site:
The idea is to produce a chip which will automatically pays for everything concerning driving in Europe. The chip is placed in cars and the payment will happen by e.g. PBS, net-banking or Visa. The service is primarily in the areas regarding parking, road pricing and bridge/tunnel tolls. But it also needs to be possible to extent the system in the future with e.g. automatically payment of gas in gas stations.

Within the area of parking it needs to be possible to pay with this chip in all charged car parks. This service is going to be possible in for both public car parks along with car parks run by private companies.
The same thing has to be possible regarding road pricing and toll on bridge and in tunnels.

In addition to that the chip is going to have several side-features with is going help under the driving. For example traffic jam warnings, other traffic data and the possibility to search for free parking spaces.
So is kinda mentioned ;)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:14 pm
by Trez
Btw thx Aran for pointing the personal info thing out, made a small update to the text where we state the protection thing :)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:23 pm
by OohhoO
I think it's a good idea & well worth persuing.
My only point is that I answered the questionaire without it being immediately apparent to me what it was about.
There are a lot of people like me who are just too lazy to look for the information needed & just click on the link & then answer the questions without really being aware of what it's about, & I think you could reach a much more satisfactory coverage & better results with a more immediatly direct web-design.
It may come across as critical but really I'm just trying to help.