Nazis, etc

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Post by OohhoO »

Well I guess this isn't going to be a popular opinion, but still ...

First of all, this is a private forum & not a democracy. No-one has any posting rights whatsoever here unless the mods say so. Mods are like bosses. You call your boss a wanker, you're out. Your boss calls you a wanker, nothing happens. Fair? No. Deal with it. It's called life. Most boards I've posted on you get a permanent ban for insulting a mod in any way whatsoever.

Secondly, there is no excuse for insulting people. If people want to make themselves look like idiots they're mostly quite capable of doing it without anyone else having to point it out. I know. I do it all the time. If you can't get your point across without calling someone an idiot or a nazi or whatever then just don't bother posting because you probably have nothing worth saying. Insulting people doesn't make anyone look sarcastic or cool, it just makes them look childish & sad.

If the mods here have made any mistakes recently then it's in being extraordinarily tolerant towards criticism IMHO.

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Post by Satyn »

hehe i always smile when I read one of your posts oohhoo. I understand where you are coming from but I dont think its in any of the mods thoughts to be seen as a boss. I dont want to be seen as one. I just dont want ppl to feel bad if they get flamed. like for example:
random person wrote:oohhoo you are such an idiot you dont deserve the air in the sky to breath
if i would see that then i would immediatly think of the person it is intended for. If nobody would respond to it then ppl will think its normal to be useing words and expressions like that. If you read it and are hurt by what is said to you then you will be happy that someone stands up for you that has the right on that place to do that.

Hope that made some sense cos i just read it again and it doesnt seem to :p
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Post by Thandruil »

If u walk around in Germany and call someone there a nazi or a mof, u'll be lucky if u'll be eating jail food for the next days, and not hospital food thru a straw for some months.
Walk around in the Bronx and call someone there a "nignog" (sp), same thing will happen.
And there are many more words like that, which can be used to offend people or races.Sadly enough there are parents who learn em to their kids.

Again this has to lead to a witchhunt against the mods, for banning someone who has to use the word nazi cause he isn't mature enough to use another word expressing his feelings.

Enough people have died cause of the actions of the nazi's, not only jews, but also homosexuals, gypsies, and many more. So it's not only an offence to those people, but also meant very racist imo.

If u don't know anything else u can flame a person with, it's about time u stop playing DAoC imo and go read a dictionary. And some people should study very HARD! ;)
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Post by OohhoO »

Made perfect sense to me Satyn hehe.
BTW I don't breathe air I run on Ouzo & :wub: :D
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Post by Gitt »

[quote="Thandruil"]...this has to lead to a witchhunt against the mods, for banning someone who has to use the word nazi cause he isn't mature enough to use another word expressing his feelings.

Enough people have died cause of the actions of the nazi's...

If u don't know anything else u can flame a person with... go read a dictionary. And some people should study very HARD! ]

So someone misused the word Nazi due to their own ignorance of its meaning.... and was in turn banned by the (a?) moderators based on an equally ignorant interpretation of the term...


You're right Thand some people need to do a LOT of studying :p

<edited to remove grammatical error>

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Post by Lieva »

nah was banned cuz it was a racist and altogether not very nice word to use to describe someone.

Even calling someone a facist is bad enough imo..

tis only boards now stop fishing for flames pls :)
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Post by Thandruil »

Gitt wrote:.... and was in turned banned by the (a?) moderators based on an equally ignorant interpretation of the term...


You're right Thand some people need to do a LOT of studying :p
Guess u are very right... U so make my laugh, this really made my day :)
Thandruil lvl51 Elf Ranger RR6L3 ML10 CL5 :thand:
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Post by Kallima »

Copied from random online dictionary...

Na·zi (nät'sē, năt'-)
n., pl. -zis.
A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler.
often nazi An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist.
Of, relating to, controlled by, or typical of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

[German, short for Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, National Socialist German Workers' Party.]

Na'zi·fi·ca'tion (-sə-fĭ-kā'shən) n.
Na'zi·fy' (-sə-fī') v.


Post by Gitt »

Thandruil wrote:U so make my laugh

Glad I raised a smile... I'll consider it a job well done...

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Post by Xest »

Also because there seems to be some misconceptions here, Lothandar wasn't banned for calling Satyn a nazi, in fact he was only given a warning. I'm not sure whether or not that made him hit his 3 points, but either way currently he's only on 2 warnings but even if it did for a breif moment before an existing one expired then he wasn't banned just for calling someone a nazi, he was banned for a string of offences and that's how it works.

One offence like calling someone a nazi will NOT get you banned. The idea of the warning system is to make sure people know when they've slipped up and crossed the line without outright banning them the first time round, if they can't realise that by the 3rd time that they've crossed the line yet again then the issue is with them, not with the mods. A warning by itself isn't really a big issue if you generally behave yourself, it expires after a fairly breif period and doesn't cause any problems, if however you go round collecting them and hence the only way to make people realise they're consistently crossing the line is with a ban then that's their loss and their own fault.
Che Xefan, el presidente.


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