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Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:34 am
by Xest
As much of a tragedy as it was I don't think England could've handled it any better, Tony Blair's speeches, the Emergency Service's response and the whole of England just not really being that phased by it means the terrorists really acheived very little overall. We haven't overreacted like the yanks did, it hasn't swayed our vote the other way like the Spaniards, it's really just not harmed our country in the long term, and apart from the tragic death it's nothing but a mere slight inconvenience. By the looks of it the majority of transport is already back up and running and by Monday it sounds like it'll be business as usual. I guess the thing to remember is our transport system dates back to when the romans occupied Britain and has lived through everything upto and including World War I, World War II and various IRA attacks and scares, so to cause any long lasting damage to the transport network would be a hard task indeed - it's got literally thousands of years of planning and engineering behind it. For the first time ever, seeing how well the country has taken it has made me truly proud to be British which is something when you factor in my distaste for the likes of chavs and stuff :p

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:59 am
by Sharkith
To be honest it has changed nothing. We have had anti terrorism legislation for 30 years now and when the new threat emerged it was kind of just moving into another phase. People are quite used to this kind of attack here.

What is seriously sad is that 37 people have died and there will certainly be more who will die as a result of their injuries. These deaths are as futile as the 'cause' that spawned the attacks.

I hope Childof is ok please let us know when he gets out.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:07 am
by Adianna
Tare wrote:oh and experts once named the three countries most likely to suffer a terrorist attack.
1. Spain (Madrid 2004)
2. UK (like, right now!)
3. The Netherlands (2006? :()
They were right about the first two, let's hope the third one doesn't happen :/
Hmm... World Championship 2006 in Germany? I fear we'd make a real big and easy target. :(

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:17 am
by Tare
I assume, it being a world championship, several arabic countries will be there aswell, which makes it an unlikely target. Kill one arab and they might just lose their support in the middle-east.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:23 am
by Cyfr
That dosn't seem to stop them in iraq? :)

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:42 am
by Xest
Tare wrote:I assume, it being a world championship, several arabic countries will be there aswell, which makes it an unlikely target. Kill one arab and they might just lose their support in the middle-east.
1 in 100 people in England are here illegally from other countries, even more are here legally, 700 injured and 37 dead means it's VERY likely that multiple arabs were injured and a high possibility that at least one will have been killed.

That's the problem with these people, they preach about how we kill their people in Iraq, then come here, carrying out an attack in one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world therefore very likely killing their own which is just outright hypocritical. These people don't really have a cause - they're just groups of murderers brought together by a common cause in countries that don't hunt down and jail murderers in the way we do in the developed world. If someone over here murders a bunch of people and says he did it for god we lock them away and label them phsycopathically insane, if they do it over there and say they did it for god they're often not caught. There's no difference between the two, both people are completely gone in the head, the difference is, where they come from religion holds far more weight as an excuse than it does here where we've realised that religion is mostly a complete joke.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:44 am
by Xest
Adianna wrote:Hmm... World Championship 2006 in Germany? I fear we'd make a real big and easy target. :(
Don't worry yourself about it - they could've hit the olympics, euro 2004 and so on, there's plenty of high profile targets they could've hit but instead they do it on a random morning when no one's expecting it and that's why they could do it - they'd be caught by security at major events but on a morning like yesterday it was unexpected - especially with large amounts of police in Scotland protecting the G8.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:01 am
by Jupi
stiff upper lip huh xest, what would worry u?

u mention
Xest wrote:carrying out an attack in one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world

depends on ur perspective, yes u have alot of different nationalities but definetly no integrated diversity, which to me is more worrying

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:02 am
by Adianna
I'm not worried about the stadiums etc. just about all the other stuff that will be even less protected as they will need all security forces near the big events... Of course they can hit any "soft" target almost anytime. I could easily walk into the train station with a bomb here in Erlangen. We can't protect every potential target... but as with the G8 in Scotland a lot of security forces will be diverted making it even easier for those idiots.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:05 am
by Satyn
Thats what they are trying to do. They want to attack innocent ppl and make everyone scared of coming out of their house aswell. Even make them feel that in their own house they're not safe.

I refuse to think like that. I can drop death any min, maybe tomorrow who knows, i'm enjoying ever min of my life. No point in being scared over something that can happen anywhere.