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Post by Luz »

its just TO MANY contradictions, I cant wrap my head around it.

God is allknowing, he knows everything that happened and ever will happen. He has a set path for us all, but we still have free will?
Knowing all he still "failed" in Adam and Eve, not only that but he failed to create Eve at first completely and only after realized "oh he needs a woman".

ah it keeps on its just... to... much...
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Post by Cromcruaich »

Gandelf wrote:People often think that their point of view is the correct one and that all others are wrong...
It's a shame you arnt prepared on here to defend your views on creationism in any logical or meaningful way. The questions people have asked you, they no doubt asked themselves many years ago. I can only hope you are now prepared to ask them of yourself, and if your only answer is dogged blind faith, then you know in your head, if not your heart that the religious dogma you hold dear has fundamental floors that you need to explore.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Cromcruaich »

Gandelf wrote:People often think that their point of view is the correct one and that all others are wrong...
Ofcourse, the problem with religion, is that they'd look at the square side, and still call it a triangle, whereas science would postulate that it's an object in 3 dimensions, and procede to produce formulae to calculate its surface area and volume, for which they'd get burnt for heresy.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...the A(nimist)-Team

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Post by Genedril »

Crom I choked on my coffee for that. People think I'm strange laughing & pointing & now spluttering at my screen while at work.
Gandelf wrote:People often think that their point of view is the correct one and that all others are wrong...

That sounds like each religion (or division of any given religion come to think of it) when faced with each other.
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Post by nibs »

Genedril wrote:Must say I'm a bit saddened by Nibs perception of judgements. It's not a long leap from such things to prejudice. Maybe people do work like that - I prefer to find out what people are like before I reach an opinion on them (which is generally in flux as they do things that stimulate/surprise etc etc me).
And thus im shocked.

Like you, i try to take the time to get to know someone before i set an opinion in stone. But to sit here and say that i dont form opinions on people as i see them based on what i see would be a bold faced lie. And for you to sit there and say that you dont do the same, would be too.

In day to day life, out in the real world, opinions are formed on sight. You see someone walking down the street and you take in their appearence, the way they walk, act, and interact all in a second. If you hear them talking, their tone, and way of speech its also factered in. And from this you form an opinion on whether or not the characteristics you've seen and heard, are the sort of things you like or not.

My point, was that judgements are made with very little thought, and very little input, and they are. And if you class the things you dislike about people as prejudicies, then from the get go, some things will have automatically been flagged in regards to your view of a person. Whether or not you reinforce these views before taking the time to get to know them is another matter.

Examples of what i've said here are everywhere, and theres an abundant amount of scenarios to reinforce this. I'd love to believe that adults in the world i live in don't judge people before they've even spoken to them. But the problem is that prejudice and judgements go hand in hand, and its down to the individual to break down the barriers.

//edit; Sorry for going hugely off topic, and sorry for my original post. It was a blend of sarcasm, personal views, and a point. I like Gandelf, i like that he speaks his mind. It's refreshing, and it's something that i feel is not experienced enough. I like that its out of the box, free thinking, and aside from what people consider as 'fact'. I dont disregard the sort of facts that science has thrown up (rightly so considering what i study), however to sit outside them and wonder 'what could be' is far far harder than to sit inside and live on what you can read. If you believe all that you know to be true, advancements would never come.

Remember, the world was flat... until someone thoguht outside of the box and the general consensus and decided to put it to the test :)
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Post by Xest »

Nibs I largely agree with what you're saying, but you're ignoring the fact that science is by definition about generating theories about new ideas then proving them (or attempting to at least) whilst religion is based purely on blind faith and involves no attempts to prove it's correctness.

I'm not sure if you're trying to suggest that those of us arguing for science are basing our arguments simply on what we've read or been taught? If so it goes back to what Genedril said somewhat, that it's unfair to judge people and instantly beleive that this is the case.
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Post by Genedril »

No worries about going off topic Nibs, think this topic has ebbed & flowed anyway.

Prejudices aren't neccesarily negative, though the word does have negative connatations these days.

You may judge people like that, I don't. I've spent enough of my life being surprised by people to realise that off the cuff assumptions about individuals are usually worthless. What I've never worked out is how people can individually be interesting & then as part of a social group give up all the interesting individual quirks that makes them 'them' & become part of something that I find disinteresting.

Anyway, you're entitled to your opinion (just as Gandelf is) & will probably go on to prove how I form subconcious opinions based on some sociology Or psychology study & I (like Gandelf) will be left saying 'but this is my belief'.
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Post by Lieva »

Heta wrote:Then there is no icecream, only a spoon for it mwahaha:
your world is freaky man

f r e a k y

no icecream but a can such a place exsist1!!!!11!!!eleven!
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Post by Sharkith »

this thread would make baby Jesus cry :(
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Post by nibs »

But if you don't judge people... how can this be true;
Genedril wrote:You may judge people like that, I don't. I've spent enough of my life being surprised by people to realise that off the cuff assumptions about individuals are usually worthless.
To be surprised, you must first have something to be surprised about. So to be surprised that a person is like so - you must have thought that they would have been like something else! Fight it all you may! But to look and to judge is a daily occurence (and not just with other people, with possessions, food, employment).

Another way for example. When at the real life meet, before you were introduced to people. Are you honestly saying your head wasnt a buzz with speculation of whos who. Putting basic knowledge of age, gender, and online persona to the people in view. Isn't that judging them (in a fashion). Or are you saying that you went in, looked at the group, and not a single thought popped into your head about them?

I like the theosophy of karma. Its a fascinating idea, and to an extent, i believe in it. I also believe in Sciences (which unsurprisingly is what i study, and hope to continue studying for the rest of my life) however i dont believe that science will ever have an answer for everything.

There are some things that science just cant explain. Such as how people who science can not help are able to make an unexplainable recovery from ailments that according to science should have killed them. But thats one of the main things that religion promotes to people, the sense that not everything is controllable, not everythings set in stone, and that sometimes you just to have faith in something other than yourself. Even if that something can not be explained. And if it cant be explained then you can comprehend it, so what you really have is faith in something thats bigger than yourself and the world around you.
Gwarp, 42, Savage, LGM AC
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Nibkyrie, 48, Valk, 9xx Alch
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