Discussion on the Vikings

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Discussion on the Vikings

Post by Gandelf »

I've just watched a very interesting documentary on the Discovery Channel about the Vikings and how they travelled to Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland and North America.

There were a few interesting revelations, which really impressed me. These are:-

1. It is generally agreed by most scientists that when the Vikings colonised Greenland, the climate was comparitively warm, that there was lots of grazing for cattle. However, over the space of a hundred years or so, the climate cooled and the harsher environment made it more difficult for the settlers to survive. This would suggest that global climate change is something that has been happening constantly and therefore that current theories about global warming are just created by those who wish to scare us. If climate changes around 1,000 years ago did not have any catastrophic effects on the human race, is there any reason to believe that global warming is as threatening to civilisation as some would have us believe?

2. There is evidence that the Vikings knew that the world was spherical. "Viking Compasses" have been found, which are so accurate that the maps the Vikings made were only 4% out compared with modern maps. This evidence suggests that the Vikings preceded Copernicus' theory that the world was spherical by at least 400 years.

3. Viking boat-building was so refined, that modern boat builders cannot really better their designs.

4. The Vikings discovered America several hundred years before Columbus.

Please discuss.

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Post by Haarewin »

i agree.
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Post by Dahakon »

Gandelf wrote:
2. There is evidence that the Vikings knew that the world was spherical. "Viking Compasses" have been found, which are so accurate that the maps the Vikings made were only 4% out compared with modern maps. This evidence suggests that the Vikings preceded Copernicus' theory that the world was spherical by at least 400 years.
Please discuss.
Ofc the Vikings new the world was round, it has been know since ancient Greek times and before, it is only a myth that everyone in the past thought the world was round. Any sea-faring nation that leaves sight of land then sail back and its still there can work out that the world is round, and as Erik the Red descovered the continent of America hundreds of years before Columbus did they would know this.

Also yes there has always been climate change, however the modern pattern of global wraming is far more extream than the slight changes that have happened in the past. And just to worry you, the last time that the Earths average tempurature incresed by 10 degree Cellcius, 90% of all life on Earth was wiped out, in the lasrgest mass-extinction in history (much bigger than the one that got rid of the dinosaurs).

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Post by Xest »

1. Well, I think it's a pretty common feeling amongst scientists that global warming is something the human race as a whole can survive, the problem is that doesn't mean all humans will survive and it means a lot of animals and plant life will be lost. Drought will be even worse in Africa, it'll be entirely uninhabitable, you'll see more things like hurricane katrina, more flooding initially as sea levels rise, many animals such as polar bears and penguins will likely completely die out. Humans have survived much harsher climate change in the past, i.e. the last ice age but as I say, the casualties both human and animal will be high. You'll see big changes in weather for some places, if the gulfstream stops then the UK and neighbouring areas will get much colder winters, on the scale of Moscow and Ottawa, and also much warmer summers, again like Ottawa, contrary to popular beleif bred by bs films like the day after tommorrow, the gulf stream doesn't just warm the UK, it has a regulating effect, that is it keeps it warmer in winter but actually cools the UK somewhat in the summer, hence why we'll see bigger extremes, but again still entirely survivable ala Moscow/Ottawa. So no, global warming isn't the end of the world, but it's still something we have to take VERY seriously.

2. Yes. Congratulations on finding out that some people beleived the world was spherical before Copernicus :p

3. I've never really understood comments in general like this, the fact is CAD allows for designs to be modelled so perfectly the vikings couldn't come close. If however you mean there isn't a shipwright left in the world who could produce boats like they did with the tools they did and nothing more then you're probably right, it all comes down to whether you bring modern tools into the equation, if so I'd argue that the multi-acre US nuclear aircraft carriers are much more complex, better built and better designed.

4. Yes they did, but they didn't manage to settle, they got their arses kicked by the native Americans due to the native Americans being so much more adapted to those lands. When columbus went over the natives were using pretty much the same weapons they were using when the vikings went over, whereas the Europeans had become vastly more technologically advanced and so by the time columbus went over he had the technology to defeat them despite it being their homeland, I'd guess Columbus also had much more man power.
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Post by Childofkhain »

Xest:3 actually i don't. They are noisy, you can't land on a beach with them, you can't sail up a river relativly unoticed. You cannot make stealthy hit and run attacks and there arnt 10 to 30 maruding vikings on board :) Also they are american :( game over man, GAME OVER!
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Post by Maeloch »

Gandelf wrote:4. The Vikings discovered America several hundred years before Columbus.
Supposedly the Knights Templar were over there before Columbus too, although quite alot of mumbo jumbo written about them so dunno whether to believe it.
Mael, 50th ment.

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Post by Xest »

Maeloch wrote:Supposedly the Knights Templar were over there before Columbus too, although quite alot of mumbo jumbo written about them so dunno whether to believe it.
And Jesus, ask the Mormons!
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Post by Maeloch »

Xest wrote:And Jesus, ask the Mormons!
Well, when you can walk on water and summon bread from the sky intercontinental exploration is no problem.
Mael, 50th ment.

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