Terror Bomb in London

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Post by ilaya »

childofkhain: cant even begin what u went thru. but yeah.. no witch hunts on muslims in UK. the muslim council of UK were amongst the very first to utter condemn these cowardly attacks. the muslim faith is a loving, forgiving one.. that promotes harmony, much like the christian faith. to say every muslim is a potential terrorist is WRONG, but sadly some loonies think this way.

what kind of state is UK in tho with immigration when the likes of Abul Hamzar are allowed to say in public for everyone listening to his words of madness to rise up and kill the peeps they live side by side with?

the peeps responsible for this attrocity use religion as an excuse for their actions. but the true followers of that religion condemn their actions.

even if there was world peace and total harmony between all religions of the world.. the type of people who carried out those attacks would still find a reason to continue.
Ilaya - RR6+ Lurikeen Champion - GM Hearts of Fire Hib/excal - sleeping Zzzzzzz

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Post by Xest »

what kind of state is UK in tho with immigration when the likes of Abul Hamzar are allowed to say in public for everyone listening to his words of madness to rise up and kill the peeps they live side by side with?
As I've said elsewhere - having someone stupid enough to recruit publicly gives our secret services the perfect opportunity to track newly recruited terrorists from the word go. It's not through idiocy that we didn't arrest him, it's through common sense on the security services behalf.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by ilaya »

i typed summit but deleted it. if u believe what u said then ok.
Ilaya - RR6+ Lurikeen Champion - GM Hearts of Fire Hib/excal - sleeping Zzzzzzz

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Post by Rejecta »

What irritates me the most about the after effects of all these things, is everyones an expert on International Terrorisam all of a sudden, It really pisses me off sitting in a pub listening to some misformed uneducated council housed peice of shit whos never worked a day in his life..Giving his opinions on subjects he knows nothing about, touting the same garbage views as whatever The Sun news paper says.

Honestly it makes me so angry I want to scream at them. :attack:

War is horrific, always..we are at war with Terrorists, they are at war with us..The fact however is that Terrorists target civillians, and our forces, target other militry targets, with civie losses as an unfortunate side effect.

ChildofKhain, glad your OK however..you experainced what many people in war torn countrys experiance everyday..only difference is there its expected. I would hate to have been in a similar situation that you faced..and ofc I have the upmost sympathy to the people who died and thier loved ones, but I also have sympathy to people who die everyday in other parts of the world.

I was not anti-war I was pro-war, The reasons behind it may have been flawed but its one less dictatorship in the world..and that can only be a good thing. I am not pro America, I am not anti America, I think they can do good things with their power, but I also think that like all Governments they do things out of self interest...

These days its fashionable to hate the US, people bring up the same points to hate that can be found in any Government across the globe it's just that America have the power to police the world on US moral grounds..I would rather have a super power putting its foot where it doesn't belong and keeping order than allowing another Hitler to arrise, if theres one thing people should have learned from Hisotry it's that turning a blind eye and saying "oh Mr Hitler please don't roll your tanks into the Rhineland"..doesn't always work out of the best, thats what gets me about all these students and peaceloving guys..If they look though History they can see the effects using little/no force to stop a build up really has..One of those effects started in 1939..I suggest you go read up.

At the end of the day, Religion is the key excuse of most wars around the globe. Religion to me is the moral ethics and standards and way of life of a set group of people all summed up into one big ball. I personally don't believe in any god(s) I think religion is an early form of control that people are affraid to let go. If you have your faith and you believe in something so strongly then good for you, its your personal choice..But you have to ask the queston, why when all religions preach peace and love, do they cause so much death,suffering and hate...an interesting point to finish on I think.

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Post by Xest »

ilaya wrote:i typed summit but deleted it. if u believe what u said then ok.
Fact: We could've handed him over to the yanks FAR earlier if we'd wanted to, do you think we didn't purely because no one could be arsed to go and arrest him?

Gamah, I know where you're coming from, the problem is that speeches from Bush and Condoleza Rice have an eerily similar theme to Hitler also, i.e. "We MUST spread our democratic ideal (regime) throughout the world" - whether you agree or not it's not for any one country to dictate how the rest of the world should be run, whilst I agree they should be able to invade if a particular country poses a threat to their own, to invade at any other point is unfair to say the least. What makes it worse is the people that take over in these countries that the US is toppling are often just puppets for the US and not leaders that the people actually want. In the past couple of years alone the US has installed their puppets in Iraq, Afghanistan and Haiti. Whilst I agree it's better to have a sensible country trying to stabilise less stable countries where possible, America under the Bush administration is most definetely not the country to do it - the eerie thing is, if you listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger a lot of his policies are actually far more sensible than Bush's and we all know how much of a joke everyone sees poor Arnie as - that doesn't say a lot about Bush ;)
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by Finolin »

[quote="Xest"]the eerie thing is, if you listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger a lot of his policies are actually far more sensible than Bush's and we all know how much of a joke everyone sees poor Arnie as - that doesn't say a lot about Bush ]
I don't think most people in California see Arnold Schwarzenegger or his policies as a joke. He's much more the Reagan model of Republican (and not just because of his Hollywood background or that he's the governor of California) - fiscally conservative, but socially liberal, unlike Bush who is fiscally very liberal (the first big government Republican in my lifetime) but socially conservative.
Finolin, 50th Elven Void Eldritch ML10 Convoker
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Post by Xest »

Finolin wrote:I don't think most people in California see Arnold Schwarzenegger or his policies as a joke. He's much more the Reagan model of Republican (and not just because of his Hollywood background or that he's the governor of California) - fiscally conservative, but socially liberal, unlike Bush who is fiscally very liberal (the first big government Republican in my lifetime) but socially conservative.
Well no the Californians don't see him as a joke, but I mean the rest of the world tend to ;)
Che Xefan, el presidente.

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Actually, I think the people in california see him as a joke too since he's lost alot of his support since he got elected.


Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Rejecta wrote:At the end of the day, Religion is the key excuse of most wars around the globe.
Tbh, I think it's more about money nowadays but it just happen to be religios people in control of the resources.

Edit: which is damn stupid since we got alot of resources yet but there are always some countries/people that want more than others.


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Post by Finolin »

Ankh Morpork wrote:Actually, I think the people in california see him as a joke too since he's lost alot of his support since he got elected.
I don't think a loss of support equates to someone being thought of as a joke.

While it is saying something that his current approval rating is below the lowest Jerry Brown ever had (who I always thought of as something of a joke - anyone remember California Über Alles?) he's still well above the lowest ratings of Pete Wilson and Pat Brown (before my time), both of whom won re-election. If he can push through his reforms in the special election he's called for November, he will have done more to change how California state government works than any governor in recent history.

Finolin, 50th Elven Void Eldritch ML10 Convoker
Felia, 50th Celt Bard ML10 Sojourner
Fert, 50th Sylvan Arboreal Animist ML10 Convoker
Finality, 50th Sylvan Valewalker ML10 Battlemaster
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Fiat, 50th Celt Druid ML10 Perfector
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Fung, 50th Sylvan Verdant Animist ML10 Convoker
Finchant, 50th Elven Mana Enchanter ML10 Convoker

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